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Jungkook sighs softly, trying to find the right words to explain.

    "Vic was just explaining what he meant about part of his letter." He says.

    "Which part of the letter?"

    "The part about loving and allowing yourself to be loved."

    "Oh. What'd he say?"

Jungkook sighs, running his fingers through his hair nervously. "A few days ago, while you were dissociating, you said that you wished it was possible to love me. I figured you were out of your head so I just forgot about it. Vic said that you had feelings that you were too shy to tell me about so I should express my feelings first. But I have to know if you meant what you said, even if you weren't yourself. I have to know."

Taehyung's face flushes, his eyes flickering away. "Jungkook...you have to understand how complicated things are~

    "Did you mean it?" The younger asks. "That's all I want to know. Even if you didn't."

    "Of course I meant it but it's not that simple." The brunette says looking at Jungkook. "It can't happen, Jungkook. It just can't."

    "Why not?" Jungkook asks.

    "Because it just can't. It wouldn't be fair to you or anyone else in the system." Taehyung says. "It just wouldn't be fair."

    "If you feel things for me and I feel things for you why can't we just make an effort to make things work?" The younger asks.

Taehyung presses the palms of his hands to his cheeks to try to calm the blush flushing his face. "I just don't know how that'd work."

    "If you'd let me love you, Taehyung, I promise I'll take care of you and everyone else in the system." Jungkook says, vowing to always keep them safe from harm.

    "Jungkook." The brunette sighs, tears forming in his eyes. "I can't do that to you."

    "You won't be hurting me, Taehyung. I want to be there for you. And I care about you so much." The younger confesses, finally acknowledging his feelings for Taehyung. "If you let me I'll take care of you and everyone else. What happens between us is just between us and my relationship with everyone else will remain completely platonic."

    "I don't want to ruin things between us. Or between you and the others." Taehyung says wiping his eyes. "I know the feelings I have for you are more than what I'd have for a friend or even a best friend but I don't want things to...y'know, go to shit."

Jungkook laughs at his choice of words. "I promise they won't. We're both adults, if things start to not work we'll just go back to being friends."

    "I'm so scared, Jungkook." The brunette sighs. "Not just of this but of everything. I'm scared of the future and what it holds."

    "I understand." The younger says, offering his hand across the table.

Taehyung smiles softly as he takes it, resting his hand in Jungkook's palm.

    "It's okay to be scared but you don't ever have to worry, Tae." He says, giving Taehyung's hand an affirming squeeze. "I'll take care of you."

The brunette nods, squeezing his hand back with a smile. "Thank you."

    "You don't have to thank me." Jungkook chuckles, standing and rounding the table. "Hug me."

Taehyung laughs softly as he stands and embraces Jungkook, wrapping his arms around the younger's neck.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now