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    "I'm so glad you've agreed to go clubbing with me on the regular. Now I don't have to go alone."

Jungkook laughs as Hoseok speaks excitedly about going to the club.

Jungkook mostly agreed to go for his own research purposes, he needed to try and have a conversation with one of the alters outside of a professional setting.

The club isn't as packed as it would be on a Saturday since it's a week day.

"Come on." Hoseok says leading Jungkook to the back.

As they're walking towards the back Jungkook spots just the person he's looking for.

    "Actually, I'm gonna look around out here for a little bit." He says to Hoseok.

    "Are you sure?" The older asks, Jungkook nods. "Okay. You know where to find me, yeah?"

    "Yeah. I'll catch up." The younger says before they both go their separate ways.

Jungkook follows the brunette with his eyes, hoping to catch him and find out the name of this alter.

He walks through the crowd seemingly without direction, catching the gaze of many of the men that crowd the floor.

Jungkook brushes pass them as he follows the brunette, he didn't know what he was going to say if he caught up to him but he knew that he wanted to talk.

He follows the him until he gets to a hallway that's guarded by security.

The brunette walks pass the guard before looking behind him, his striking grey eyes catching Jungkook's immediately.

He smirks before continuing down the hallway.

"You can't be back here." The guard says.

Jungkook is still too taken aback by the way the brunette smirked at him knowingly.

Did he know he was being followed?

"No, I know. I just need to talk to him." Jungkook says. "I just want to ask him something."

"Can't let you do that." The guard says.

"I just want~"

"Look kid, nobody talks to Minseok. It's not personal, he's off limits. Got it?"

Jungkook huffs before turning and walking away, quickly taking his phone out and making a note of Minseok's eyes.

It surprises him that Minseok was the grey eyed alter, he seemed so confident and free but according to Taehyung's file Minseok was a mute alter with little to no backstory.

Yet here he was working at a gay strip club, not only did he work there he was one of the most popular dancers.

He'd gotten what he wanted but he still felt like it wasn't enough.

He finds Hoseok by the bar in the members only area to tell him he wasn't feeling good and he was going home.

He had one more shot at meeting Minseok if he waited by the door and he wanted to take it.

"Aw, but we've only just got here." Hoseok pouts when he hears he's leaving.

"I know I'm sorry, I wasn't feeling well earlier either. I shouldn't have come out tonight." Jungkook lies. "I'll be all better by the weekend and we'll have fun."

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now