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"Stop calling my fucking phone."

"Then start fucking answering."

Jungkook huffs in annoyance as he stands from where he was sitting with Namjoon.

"You need to come to the house. Something's wrong with V." Jimin says angrily. "I don't know what to do."

"What do you mean? Where is he?" Jungkook asks, already grabbing his keys.

He hated that Jimin only called when it was convenient for him but he wasn't worried about that right now, he was worried about Jimin.

"He's upstairs in the guest bedroom, he won't unlock the door." The older responds. "He told me that he'd talk to you that's why I'm calling."

Jungkook takes his phone from his ear to tell Namjoon he has to go. "My friend got out of the hospital today so I'm gonna go check on him."

"Okay. Are you gonna be alright?" Namjoon asks looking over at him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." The younger smiles walking to the door.

"Be careful." The older calls as he leaves.

"I will be." Jungkook says bringing the phone to his ear. "How long has V been out?"

"A couple hours I guess." Jimin sighs. "I asked him to come out of the room and he wouldn't."

"Well I'm coming. Tell him I'll be there."


When Jungkook gets to the house he walks inside without ringing the doorbell, finding Jimin in the kitchen.

    "He's still in the room?" He asks.

    "Yeah." Jimin sighs, Jungkook notices for the first time how genuinely exhausted Jimin looked.

He had spent so much time being pissed at Jimin that he never took a second to acknowledge how me how he feels.

Taehyung was his best friend, they've know each other since they were kids, Jimin had to be taking this entire situation extremely hard.

    "Are you okay?" Jungkook asks, genuinely wanting to know.

Jimin seems confused by the sudden inquiry about his wellbeing. "I'm fine. Why?"

    "Just asking." The younger shrugs. "I'm going up now."

    "Alright." Jimin says as Jungkook walks away.

When he gets upstairs he walks to the last guest room on the right.

He reaches above the door and grabs the lock opener, unlocking the door and walking into the room.

He finds the brunette sitting on the windowsill with his arms wrapped around his legs, the same radio from before sitting across from him softly playing classical music.


    "He won't come out."

Jungkook closes the door, walking over to him. "V?"

V looks up at him. "Where the hell were you?"

    "I've been staying at a friend's house. Jimin's been making me stay away." The younger says. "I came to see you guys when I could but Jimin asked me to keep my distance so... I figured you guys would want me to respect that."

    "Jimin's a stupid, cynical jackass." The brunette says looking out the window. "You should've came anyways."

    "I'm sorry." Jungkook says sitting down across from V. "Jimin called me because he was worried about you. Are you okay?"

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now