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I think I was on crack when I wrote this chapter so please forgive me for the crackhead energy at certain parts of this chapter :)

Jungkook's POV.

I panic when I don't see Chaeyeon laying where I left him, looking around the room for any sign of him.

"Chaehyeon has gone."

I startle at the sound of Taehyung's voice turning to see him standing at the bottom of the stairs wearing a grey robe.

"Oh." I say stretching my stiff joints. "He fell asleep and I didn't think I should move him so I just~"

"That's alright. Thank you for taking care of him." Taehyung says walking into the living room. "I failed to mention that you must complete Chaehyeon's portion of the log when he fronts. He can't do it himself."

"Okay." I nod, watching him place the cushions back in their proper place.

"You can help yourself to anything in the kitchen if you'd like. Or you can order in, it doesn't matter~"

"Where were you?" I ask making him stop and look at me.

"Excuse me?" He asks.

"You disappeared. For three days." I say pushing myself up off the ground.

    "M-My apologies." He says avoiding my eyes. "I should've made you aware that things like this happen. And that they are completely out of my control."

    "I was worried about you. I freaked out, I was going to call the police instead of Jimin."

    "You can't do that." He says looking up at me. "No matter how long I'm gone or what you think has happened you can't call the police. Ever. Do you understand?"

    "I...I understand." I say. "I just thought something happened to you. And I thought it was my fault."

    "Nothing is your fault. Only mine." He says looking away and continuing to pick up the pillows.

    "Chaehyeon was triggered negatively. Right?" I ask as I help him fix the living room.

    "Right." He says. "I'm not sure what did it but he was."

    "What's the last thing you remember?" I ask, trying to get any clue as to where he could've been.

    "I'm not sure." He sighs. "Being at my desk I guess."

"And you have no clue where you've been? Aren't you in contact with V?" I say, still trying to make something make sense.

Taehyung sighs, crossing his arms. "It...It's not always like that. He doesn't tell me everything, he never has."

"Did you try asking anyway?" I ask.

"I did." He says looking down. "I don't want to alarm you or make you worry."

"I'm always going to worry. I'm supposed to be looking out for you." I say. "You can tell me anything."

Taehyung sighs softly, sitting down on the couch. "I can't tell if it was V. Usually I get a feeling when he's done something like this and I'm not getting that feeling."

"Does that mean it was a different alter?" I ask sitting beside him

"I don't know. I wouldn't expect this from anyone else." He says looking down at his hands. "Wherever they went they triggered Chaehyeon. It's hard to trigger him."

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now