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When Jungkook wakes up the next morning he panics when he doesn't see Taehyung laying next to him.

He shoots up out of the bed, any trace of sleep gone as he looks around the empty bedroom.

    "Taehyung?" He calls, walking to the bathroom and opening the door, it's empty.

He rushes out of the main bedroom, calling Taehyung's name again as he darts down the stairs.

The living is empty so he rushes to the kitchen, heaving a sigh of relief when he sees the brunette sitting at the table.

His relief is short-lived as he notices the tears in his soft brown eyes.

"What's wrong, Tae? What happened?" He asks worriedly, placing a hand on his back to try and comfort him.

"Jungkook." The brunette chokes out, looking up at the younger with teary eyes. "S-Something's wrong, Jungkook. Something's wrong."

"What's wrong, Tae?" Jungkook asks, making an effort to keep his voice calm and concerned, not wanting to upset Taehyung with his panicking.

"H-He's gone." Taehyung sobs, pushing Jungkook away as he stands. "V's gone."

"What?" The younger asks as Taehyung runs out of the kitchen. "Wait, Taehyung."

Jungkook starts to follow him before he sees a sheet of paper with cursive writing on the front and back.

He picks it up and he sees it's a letter addressed to Taehyung.

I don't exactly know where to start or how to say this but I'd rather you find out this way than any other way. I'll start by saying that V loved you, very much. He loved everyone in this system despite his disposition. Minseok, though he rarely understood you or your decisions, loved you too. More than he could ever tell you. They both loved you.

It's hard to explain what they've been going through without hurting you but I'll do my best.

I think it was known that Minseok had his struggles in life. He has been troubled since he was a child and he fought everyday to live but some people can't overcome their trauma. Minseok kept his trauma away from the system, he was selfless in that way. But the longer he kept those memories the heavier their burden became.

Hajoon tried to share the burden, he was willing to take those memories, or at least some of them. But Minseok refused to let them hurt anyone else other than himself.

You were unsure about Minseok's eating disorders, I'm here to tell you that he had multiple that went unnoticed. More pain that silently went unnoticed by you and the rest of the system. Minseok was a protector and just like any other protector he had to deal with a lot of trauma. Minseok wasn't like V, he wasn't strong enough to handle the things he went through or know what to do with his anger and his pain.

V was a good person. He never saw himself that way but he was. He did horrible things and caused a lot of pain but he saved our lives enough times to be forgiven for the things he's done. He's the reason every single one of us are here today. V, just like every human being, had a breaking point. And he was bound to reach it at some point.

V was so strong for so long and he had to be for most of his existence. Things changed drastically for V when he found out about your mother's condition, Taehyung. He didn't take that news well, I don't think anyone did.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now