978 80 14

—Jungkook's POV.—

"This is really a bad idea you don't understand how bad of an idea this is~"

"Calm down, precious. I don't bite."

I cringe at the pet name as Jongun continues to pull me up the stairs to his apartment.

"No you really don't understand, Taehyung. I mean Jongun, sorry. I just~"

"You said you were taking us home, take us." He says smirking at me when we reach his door. "Are you sad I showed up? Would you rather have Minseok?"

"No! It wasn't like that, I just wanted to~" He cuts me off by pushing me against the opposite wall and holding me there by my waist.

"Wanted to what? Don't tell me you did this without any intention of getting laid." Jongun smirks, his eyes taking over my face.

"I swear it wasn't like that." I say for the hundredth time. "I wanted him, or you, all of you to get home safe."

"V always makes sure we get home safe, pretty baby." He says, leaning impossibly closer. "But thank you for worrying for Minseok."

"I should really go." I say, holding my breath as his face comes closer before he captures my lips in a kiss.

I want to push him away, I really do, but something stops me.

Something makes me actually kiss him back, I can feel him smirk as his hands travel under my shirt, sending chills down my spine.

This is wrong, this seems so fucking wrong but I can't stop myself.

Jongun breaks the kiss first, looking at me with a smirk. "You aren't as averse as you seem."

I look away, shame overcoming me as I realize what I'm doing.

He's Seokjin's patient and I'm Seokjin's med-student, even if I'm not his doctor I shouldn't be doing this with him.

"Come inside." Jongun insists, already pulling me along with him.


"Shh, we have to be quiet. Jimin might catch us." He whispers before pulling me inside the apartment.

The inside of the apartment is dark and the only light comes from the street light pouring in from the window, Jongun holds a finger to his lips before leading me down the hall and into a bedroom.

He sighs after shutting the door and locking it. "Now we can have some real fun."

"Jongun, I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. We can't do this." I say as he still proceeds to wrap his arms around my waist. "I'm Dr. Kim's med-student."

"I know who you are." He chuckles. "Most of us know who you are."

I tilt my head in confusion. "How?"

"Well, Taehyung can communicate with V who communicates to Hajoon, very reluctantly but he still does, Hajoon communicates with me and the children and I communicate with Minseok. And collectively we all get things done. Unless there's a dry spell in our communication, which is 99.9% of the time." He explains. "But we aren't here to talk about the system, are we?"

"This just feels wrong." I say honestly.

"Let me make it feel right then, hm?" He says seductively, pulling my hips against his. "Just relax."

I close my eyes as he kisses me, losing all resolve as he dominates the kiss.

I never saw myself as a submissive person until now, I would've never thought I'd be in this situation ever in my life.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now