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Warning ⚠️ : insensitive mentions of suicide

"Get up, Chaesal."

"I'm tired."

"It's almost two in the afternoon. Get up."

Chaesal keeps his back to Jungkook, pulling the duvet over his head. "Fuck off."

"Come on, Chaesal." Jungkook sighs, sitting in the edge of the bed. "Please get up."

"I don't feel like it." The younger says, his voice muffled by the duvet.

"You've been laying down all day." Jungkook says, tugging the duvet from over his head. "You missed work already~"

"That's not my fucking job." Chaesal says.

"Everyone is responsible for getting the body to work on time." The older says. "I had to call Mr. Kim and tell him Taehyung had food poisoning."

"I don't care." The younger says, pushing himself up into a sitting position. "You know what, Jungkook? If you're gonna make me live the least you could do is let me sleep through half my life."

    "Chaesal, I really need you to get up right now. I have to go help my friend and I can't leave you here alone." Jungkook says. "What's it gonna take to  get you outta bed?"

Chaesal sighs, thinking for a moment about what he wanted. "I want chips...and candy...and a soda."

    "Chaesal~" The older starts in a reluctant tone.

    "You asked, I told you. The rest is out of my jurisdiction." Chaesal says laying down.

    "Alright, alright. Fine. Okay." Jungkook says shaking his shoulder. "Get dressed and I'll take you on the way to my friend's apartment."

The brunette groans as he sits up and pushes the duvet off of himself. "What friend is this anyway? I never see you talk to anyone."

    "His name's Namjoon." The older says standing with him. "He doesn't know about you guys so you'll have to answer to Taehyung's name for today."

"Great." Chaesal huffs as he walks into the closet to get dressed.

"I'll wait here." Jungkook says sitting on the bed.

"No way, get lost perv." The brunette says walking out with his clothes. "I have to get dressed."

"That's what you're wearing?" The older asks eyeing the crumbled mass of black clothes in his hands.

"Don't tell me you're gonna start dressing me too." Chaesal says rolling his eyes. "I'm seventeen years old. Get lost."

Jungkook sighs, standing and walking out of the room. "I'm waiting by the door."

"God forbid I try to kill myself with a t-shirt, right?" The brunette snaps as he slams the door behind Jungkook.

Chaesal changes into a pair of oversized black sweatpants and an equally oversized black t-shirt, pulling a black hoodie over top.

When he walks out Jungkook almost physically cringes at the outfit.

"You keep your end of the deal, perv." The brunette says walking past him as he raked his hair down with his fingers.

"Teenagers." Jungkook huffs shaking his head as he follows him down.

He grabs Hajoon's glasses, Taehyung's watch, one of Jongun's expensive bracelets, and a pair of shades that Vic had recently becom obsessed with along with a stuffed animal incase a little fronted or Taehyung slid.

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