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Jungkook loads the last of his things into the backseat of his car with the help of Hoseok, the older pouting as he closes the trunk.

"Don't give me that look, Hobi." The younger says to him.

"I can't believe your parents are making you come home. That's so unfair to you." Hoseok says crossing his arms. "Online college isn't as fun as the real thing."

"I know, it really sucks."

Jungkook hated lying to Hoseok, he has become his one and only friend on campus and he didn't want to leave.

"You can still text me and call me. And come see me and Joon at the club sometime." Hoseok says. "Don't be a stranger, okay?"

"Of course not." Jungkook promises as he steps up on the curb and hugs the older. "Thank you for taking care of me, hyung."

Hoseok laughs as he hugs him back. "I had fun, Kook. I'll see you around."

"Alright." The younger says pulling away. "Don't be a stranger, hyung."

"Get out of here. I have a spare room to redecorate." The older says pushing him away.

"I'm two feet out the door and you're already redecorating my room?" Jungkook chuckles as he walks around his car.

"Yes. I'm thinking of making it into a sex dungeon for me and Namjoon. What do you think?" Hoseok asks tilting his head.

"I think I could've gone a million life times without hearing that sentence." The younger says opening the driver door. "Later, hyung."

Hoseok laughs as the younger climbs into the car, waving as he drives away.

Jungkook sighs as he watches Hoseok from the rear view mirror, he was really going to miss living with the older.

He'd only lived there a few months and he was comfortable there but he had things he needed to take of.

He committed himself to working as Taehyung's full time caregiver and he was ready for the challenges he'd face, or at least he's been telling himself he was ready.

He dials Seokjin's number after putting Taehyung's address into the gps.

"Jungkook, hey, did you make it there yet?" The older answers.

"I'm on the way there now. I moved all my stuff out of my place." The younger says. "He knows I'm coming and everything?"

"Of course. I talked to him this morning and he said that Jimin will meet you there if he doesn't." Seokjin says. "How do you feel. Are you nervous?"

"Am I? I don't know what to expect." Jungkook sighs. "I just hope I can handle it."

"You can handle it. Just make sure you keep everything I've taught you in mind."

"You make it sound so easy."

Seokjin chuckles softly. "You've got this, Jungkook. Trust yourself."

"I'll try. Talk to you later, okay hyung?" Jungkook says as he nears Taehyung's neighborhood.

"Okay. Bye bye."

"Bye." The younger chuckles before ending the call.

When he arrives at the address his breath is taken away at how expensive everything around him looks.

There's a huge gate surrounding the neighborhood, he has to give his id before he can pass through them.

"Mr. Kim is expecting you Secretary Jeon." The woman smiles.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now