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Long chapter ahead!!

2 years later...

    "Come on, when are you guys coming back."


    "Ughh, you guys got engaged you didn't actually get married, y'know?"

Taehyung laughs at Jimin, looking over at Jungkook who is still sleeping in bed.

    "We'll be back soon. I promise." He says adjusting the sheet he wrapped himself in to take Jimin's call.

    "Come back for real. I haven't even gotten to congratulate you in person." Jimin says, obviously pouting. "And tell Jungkook to give your ass a break, this much sex can't be natural."

Taehyung covers his face as he flushes immensely. "Jimin, goodbye."

    "Love you. Come back soon." The older laughs.

    "We will. Tell Yoongi I asked about him." The brunette says looking over at Jungkook again.

    "I will." Jimin says. "Bye."

Taehyung ends the call before walking back to the bed, crawling over to where Jungkook is laying.

The brunette smiles down at him mischievously as he straddles his waist, chuckling as the younger stirs.

"Kookie." Taehyung sing-songs playfully as he trails his hands down his bare chest. "Jungkookie."

"Hm?" The younger hums, still half asleep with his eyes closed.

"Jungkook-ah." The brunette chuckles, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Jungkook's neck. "You have to wake up now."

Jungkook forces his eyes open against the light flowing in past the curtains.

Taehyung sits up and looks down at him again. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Jungkook rasps, stretching his arms over his head. "Why are you up so early?"

"Jimin called. He really wants us to come home." The brunette says. "We've been gone for more than two weeks."

Jungkook smiles as he sits up, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist. "I promised everyone they would get to see the resort."

"I know. I'm sure Chaesal will forgive you." Taehyung says, smiling as Jungkook leans his head into the crook of his neck. "I feel like I'm gonna switch."

"That's okay." The younger says pulling away. "I'll get dressed then. You might want to too."

    "Okay." The brunette says before crawling off Jungkook's lap. "I'm gonna shower."

    "Okay. Be careful." Jungkook says standing from the bed.

It had nearly been three weeks since Jungkook and Taehyung went on their "extravagant getaway" to a resort in Jong-gu.

The trip was originally set to only be a week but then Jungkook kind of made a promise that everyone would be able to enjoy the resort for a little while.

But Taehyung wasn't complaining, he was fronting most of the time and whenever he wasn't he knew someone else was having the experience of a lifetime.

Though it was meant to be a trip celebrating Taehyung and Jungkook's engagement the other alters never felt out of place or like they were invading their privacy, Jungkook made sure of that.

    "Hey, hey."

Jungkook looks up to see Jongun strolling out of the bathroom wearing one of the ridiculous tropical shirts that Taehyung hated.

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now