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—Taehyung's POV.—

I sit behind my desk staring down at my bruised hand wondering who V's latest victim was and how I was going to handle the repercussions.

It's always me that has to deal with the trouble V has stirred up and I'm so tired of it.

I'm tired of a lot concerning my system and my disorder, I just hope that psychotherapy is the amalgamation treatment I've been looking for.

A knock on my door startles me from my thoughts.

"Come." I say turning to my computer and trying to look busy.


I look up at the sound of my father's voice, standing from my seat and bowing to him before walking around my desk.

"Can I do something for you, father?" I ask, hiding my bruised hand behind my back.

"I've come to talk to you about your current living situation." He starts, we've had this conversation countless times.

"I thought you understood that I was happy with my living situation." I say in confusion.

"I know what I said but things have changed now, Taehyung. You aren't fresh out of college anymore, you aren't a child. It's time to grow up a little." My father says, I know he means well by what he's saying so I don't get upset. "You can't live in that apartment with Jimin forever."

"I understand, father." I nod. "But I can't just leave Jimin to take care of the bills on his own."

"You'll still pay the bills but you have to move into a company house by the end of the month. That's not a request that's an order."

"But, father~"

"No buts. It's already said and done." He cuts me off. "Please understand that this is what's best for you. You play a major role in this company and I can't afford for you to live so far away from the company."

    "I'm always here on time and when you need me." I defend. "It hasn't been a problem~"

    "It wasn't a problem before but now that you're isolating yourself again and disappearing for days without an explanation it's time for things to change. I'll be able to keep a closer eye on you at the company house." He explains. "You remember what happened last year when you started behaving that way."

I immediately feel Hajoon and V's presence at the mention of last year.

    "I'm not throwing it in your face, I know you said you were going through hard times. I had just found out about your mother and things were hard for both of us." Father explains, walking on eggshells now that he senses my discomfort. "I'm trying my best to help you step into adulthood, I thought living with Jimin for a while would help but I never intended for that to be your permanent living situation."

    "I understand." I say, but I don't understand at all.

I'm 22 years old doing the work of a middle aged man, the only pleasure in my life is being able to have a friend close to me who knows the ends and outs of who I am as a person and who we are as a system.

Now my father wanted to take that away.

    "Your mother sheltered you so much and I'm afraid it's going to hurt you in the long run."

    "I understand." I repeat, mentions of my mother always cause me to dissociate.

    "I hope so." Father says. "I only want to protect you."

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now