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Jungkook's POV.

Walking into Taehyung's and Jimin's apartment feels different this time, unlike before when I was with Jongun.

I almost feel like I don't know what to expect walking in, which alter I would encounter this time.

I hesitate before knocking on the door.

"Why am I so nervous?" I say to myself, forcing myself to just knock on the goddamn door.

When the door opens Jimin stands there, a sound of relief leaving his lips before he pulls me in by my arm.

    "Thank god you came." He says closing the door behind us.

    "Taehyung called saying he wanted to meet and he just texted me a little while ago telling me to come now." I explain as he pulls me to the living room.

    "I know he called you. I texted you though." He says sitting down. "I needed you to come over before Taehyung got home."

    "Why?" I ask sitting across from him. "How'd you text me from~"

Jimin holds up Taehyung's phone, answering my question. "He's been leaving it here everyday since Wednesday."


    "We put a tracker on his phone on Tuesday for when he goes missing and he's been leaving it since then."

    "Okay?" I ask again.

Jimin sighs. "Taehyung's the one that wanted the tracker so why would he keep leaving his phone?"

    "Maybe it's not Taehyung leaving it." I shrug, Jimin giving me a look that I can't decipher. "What?"

    "Nothing. I didn't call you here for that." He says putting the phone down. "I needed to talk to you before you moved in with Taehyung."

    "Alright." I nod, letting him continue.

    "Since he's going to be living with you I think it's best if you know each alter's positive and negative triggers along with how to deal with their reactions to each." He says reaching behind him and grabbing a notebook. "I can email you a revised list of course but these are some of the things I've come up with over the years."

    "How long have you known Taehyung?" I ask as he flips through the book.

    "Since we were twelve." He says handing me the notebook. "So starting with Hajoon. Positive triggers include black and white movies, tea, the color yellow, and classical music."

"Tea?" I ask looking up at Jimin.

"Yes. The smell, the taste, whatever. He likes tea." He explains. "Negative triggers include injuries, sickness, hunger, dehydration, crying and any type of harm conflicted on the body."

"Why is hunger a negative trigger?" I ask looking over the list.

"It's a long story. Everything has a reason when it comes to triggers. But recently hunger has been associated with Minseok. We think he has an eating disorder." Jimin says, a frown etching itself onto his face. "We aren't sure. Hajoon created this checklist for each alter to complete if they front at certain times. Minseok never completes the meal portion of the checklist when he fronts. So Hajoon fronts to take care of it."

"Okay." I nod. "Who's next?"

"Minseok." Jimin says reaching over and turning the page. "One of his positive trigger is dancing. Not stripping but any kind of dancing. Another is any kind of soothing sound, like a soothing voice, waves crashing, rain pouring, etcetera."

Me, Myself, and Them. |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now