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Author's pov

Sunrays fell on Anya's face disturbing her peaceful slumber. She was highly irritated now as no matter in what way she sleeps she is feeling the harsh rays.

"Sera close the curtains," She mumbled trying to hide her face under the blanket but the blanket was snatched away from her

"Wake up my queen! It is already morning." Anya heard a manly voice that is very much familiar to her

"Bro please! Not here as well. Go away." Anya whined

"wake up now it is already 11 am!" Antonio said and Anya's eyes snapped open and she checked her phone

"shit! How can I sleep this late?" she asked herself and then remembered what happened last night

She tried to find Sera but she was nowhere to be found.

"Good morning my queen! How was your day yesterday?" Antonio asked taking a sit on the nearby couch

"good! Why did you come? I was about to come after having breakfast. I am not a kid anymore. I am freaking 19 years old. It is different that I am joining college late but I am 19." Anya complained while yawning

"Aunt Alice asked me to bring you back. You know how worried she becomes when you go anywhere." Antonio replied and shrugged

"And I am exactly in the next house beside ours. Sera is our Neighbour my brother dearest. Do you remember that?" Anya said and sarcasm was dripping from her tone

"Tell that to your mother and my dear aunt, my queen." Antonio replied

"Bro you can call me Anya as well. Why do you always address me as my queen? I know you will say because I am a queen and not a princess I am self sufficient and all but still." Anya complained

"Because you are my queen, my little sister, the moon and I do not want to give my queen any less respect so yeah. From your childhood I have called you that only and in future as well I will call you that." Antonio said and Anya knew it is a waste of time to argue with him

" Anya! Let's go, breakfast is ready and You can join us as well, "Sera said in a low voice but both of them heard her properly as she was standing close

One quality of Sera is that she is not calm and composed at all. You will never see her calm or anything until the situation demands that or she is in front of a certain someone. So she changes her behaviour accordingly

" Thank you Sera but no I am fine. You both continue and Anya finish it fast I need to take you back," Antonio said and Sera nodded her head mutely

Anya did not miss the sad look on Sera's face when Antonio refused to have breakfast with them. As it is made by her only. Sera's parents are not at home so she is the one who is doing everything on her own.

" Bro you can at least give us company with a cup of coffee or something can you not? I know you have a huge appetite so yeah. And let me tell you Sera makes delicious food and her Coffee is the best." Anya said understanding the situation

She does not want her friend to be sad because of her brother's rudeness. Sera is outspoken and bold but sensitive as well just like her so she understands her well. They are best friends for a reason because they understand each other well.

" OK fine I will drink black Coffee." Antonio said and Anya made a face

"Eww! I do not understand why anyone would drink that bitter shit? I mean why not a milky frothy delicious latte or cappuccino? Why this black coffee?" Anya asked eyeing her brother

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now