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Author's pov 

Anya is playing with her food as she is too disturbed with everything. And on top of that Antonio has not come back home as well. He has just sent a text that he will be staying out tonight so they do not need to worry about him. 

Anya's father is not home as he is out for some work so it is just Anya and her mother Alice. 

"Eat your food Samantha! It is not good to play with food!" Anya heard a voice whispering near her ears and her eyes snapped upwards 

She looked frightened to her core as no one was there. Her mother was inside the kitchen. 

"What the hell! Am I going mad? Why the fuck I am hearing voices? And who the hell is Samantha now?" Anya thought and she felt goosebumps arousing on her skin 

"Mum!" She shouted and her mother came running from the kitchen 

"What happened? Are you fine?" Alice asked her daughter 

"I am scared! Can you please stay with me tonight in my room?" Anya asked 

"Sure dear but what happened to you suddenly? Why are you scared?" Alice asked 

"I do not know but I am scared. Sera is busy, otherwise I would have called her only." Anya said and her mother hugged her tightly 

"Nothing will happen to you my princess! I will protect you." Her mother said and Anya smiled 

"You have not eaten as well. Wait, I will feed you with my own hands." Alice said and fed her daughter with her own hands 

Anya felt safe in her mother's embrace but still something inside her was nagging that something is wrong around her but she decided to ignore her feelings. 

At night Anya was scared to sleep. What will she see now? Those dreams are disturbing her very much. 

"What happened dear? Why are you not sleeping?" Alice asked as she saw her daughter awake 

"I am not feeling sleepy at all as I have slept in the evening." Anya said and it is not a complete lie as well 

"Try to sleep, otherwise how will you wake up?" Alice asked and Anya nodded 

"Oh god please not today! I do not wish to see anything today." Anya prayed and slept and thankfully she did not saw anything that night 

Next morning she was quite happy as she had a peaceful sleep. 

She got ready for college in a Nevy blue shirt and jeans and made braids as well.

"Good morning bro! You are back I see," Anya told Antonio who nodded in acknowledgement and said good morning 

"Bro what is it on your neck?" Anya asked as she looked at his neck 

He immediately checked his neck via phone and muttered something under his breath. 

"I guess it is a bug bite, it will be fine soon. I will apply some lotion over it." Antonio said and tried to go away but Anya's comment stopped him in his tracks 

"Next time ask the bug to bite on your chest and legs so it will not be visible to anyone. I am not a kid bro! I understand the difference between bug bite and love bite." 

"you are over thinking!" Antonio said and literally ran away from there making Anya laugh 

After having breakfast Anya called Sera to join them but she refused and said she was not feeling well. 

Anya thought of visiting her after she came back from college. 

Antonio surprisingly did not ask about Sera like he knew she would not come but Anya told him that she won't come because she is ill. 
She reached college and directly met Vanessa who was waiting for her in the corridor. 

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now