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Author's pov

"Wow Anya! You are such a great sword fighter I am amazed, Where did you learn?" Elena asked as they all came out of the auditorium

Anya smiled at her and was about to reply but she suddenly realised that she has not learned how to use a sword ever heck she never had seen a real sword. How will she know how to use it?

The smile from her face disappeared as she realised what she did is not her ability.

"I learned it from my school!" Anya lied

"I think I will go home and take a rest . I am not feeling well!" Anya continued

She wanted to escape from here because she needs to find some answers that she does not have.

"Why? What happened? Are you fine?" Elena asked panicking

"I am fine! Just feeling a bit down! Anyways there is only one class left so I will manage it!" Anya said

"Should I come with you?" Elena asked and Anya shook her head

"Then how will you go? Let me go with you anyways I am bored so after dropping you at home I will meet Emanuel!" Elena replied and Anya nodded

"Bye girls! See you all tomorrow," Elena told others and Anya waved at them before leaving

"So, how are you feeling after winning against Elijah? I am really happy to see his mount Everest size ego getting broken in pieces ah! Such a beautiful sight to see! Elena commented

" What is he that everyone is scared of him? "Anya asked

" He is not only the son of the owner of our college but he is a big bully as well and not to mention about his looks! He always flaunts his looks in front of girls and his dating history is just do not even ask.

He changes girls every week! Like you know, a new girlfriend per week! Parties, drugs and all the illegal stuff he is always present there! Girls die to be with him even if for one week I seriously do not understand why. Yes he is handsome so what? See his character that is fucked up! "Elena said and Anya felt like she knew someone like him for a very long time but who is that person no idea!

" Oh! He is bad! "Anya said but anyone can understand because of her tone that she is not paying attention here

Her mind is occupied with some thoughts.

"What is wrong Anya?" Elena asked as she stopped waking but did not noticed it and kept walking

"oh i am sorry! I did not notice that you are not walking with me." Anya apologise immediately

"What is wrong with you? Tell me!" Elena said calmly

"I want to visit the castle!" Anya said and Elena gave her a look that said 'seriously you are thinking that?' and rolled her eyes

"You scared me! You do not worry about it, we will go on Saturday for sure! You will go there, that is my promise!" Elena said and they both continued to walk and after reaching the bus stop both took a bus ride to reach their home.

Thankfully the topic of sword fighting did not come back but Topic of Elijah surely did.

Anya felt like his behaviour is similar to someone she knows but who? His way of talking has left a mark on her as well but she will not accept it.

Elijah is an interesting character but thinking about him is the last thing she wants to do now!

Reaching home she bid bye to Elena and directly entered her room as the hall was empty.

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now