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Author's pov

As soon as the last bell rang, college was over for that day. Anya can not be more happy then this as finally she will know about Rishav.

On the other hand, Vannesa is excited to meet Antonio as she wants to see him.

Sera is not at all excited about the meeting; she wants this meeting to never take place.

"Let's go girls" Anya said but did not miss the look on Sera's face

"If he behaves like a jerk I will handle him, do not worry about him." Anya told Sera who just hummed..

"what happened?" Vanessa asked not understanding their conversation

"Nothing, let's go." Sera said and they all left from the class and in the exit Antonio is waiting for them

He looked at Vannesa with a frown as he was only expecting Sera and Anya.

"Who is this pretty girl along with you, my queen?" Antonio asked with a smile and Anya raised her eyebrows

Sera looked anywhere but towards him.

"Hii I am Vanessa Sera and Anya's new friend I guess you are their brother," Vanessa said with a full blown smile

"He is Anya's brother not mine Vanessa," Sera said with as much politeness she can add

"consider me as her brother as well. But I will definitely not make a beauty like you my sister." Antonio said with a smirk at last

"I am going home, Anya! I have work to do, then I have to join my work from tomorrow as well. I will take the bus from here. Bye." Sera said loudly and was about to walk away when Antonio said

"And who said you are allowed to walk away from here? You are going with us only. I will take you both back together and drop Vanessa as well." Antonio said sternly

"Oh no! I have my ride, my brother studies here only so yeah I will go with him." Vanessa said with a disappointed look

"And where are you going Sera? You are going to give us a treat remember?" Anya asked to divert the topic she knows Antonio will not let her go alone because no matter what he is responsible at the end of the day and he has taken Sera's responsibility as well

" Yeah, "Sera mumbled

" What treat? And why will she give us a treat? "Antonio asked confused

" She will give us means Vannesa and me a treat because she got a job in a good restaurant so stop counting yourself in that 'Us' "Anya said with a tight lipped smile

Hearing that a smirk appeared on Antonio's face and Sera looked nervous.

" Wow! So the odd one out got a job I see! By the way, who gave her the job? By the way, what job? Dishwasher? "Antonio asked his tone laced with mockery

" I got a job in a very reputed Restaurant Antonio and no that job is not dishwasher but waitress and I am quite proud about it because I have earned it on my own." Sera said Finally looking at him her eyes are red with anger and hurt and something else

"Wow so the kitten got her claws back?" Antonio asked

"Correction A lioness," Sera said and refused to look down

They both are having a staring competition. While Vanessa and Anya are totally confused about what is happening over here.

Vanessa is not aware of anything and Anya has never seen Sera looking at Antonio's eyes like this nor replying to him back ever.

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now