Chapter -21

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Do give my other book Caged by the Mason brothers 🔞 a read

You will definitely like it and it is not confusing at all..

Author's pov

"Ivan is dead, he died last night and his body was found near the woods,"Antonio said calmly

Anya just stared at his face blankly. Expecting him to say that it was a joke and he is not serious but nothing like that happened.

" Bro you are a bad joker, do not even try to crack jokes, you will give people heart attacks rather than making them laugh." Anya said and stretched her body to get rid of the remaining sleep

Antonio kept staring at her for sometime then averted his eyes from her.

" And what makes you think that I am joking over this kind of serious matter? "Antonio asked folding his hands in front of his chest

" You can not be serious!" Anya shouted angrily

" Unfortunately I am. Ivan is actually dead." Antonio said and Anya felt like someone poured ice cold water above her body

Ivan is dead! Dead for real. He will not come back ever.

These facts are well processed in her mind now. She Finally registered everything and broke into tears.

" How can he die? What kind of sick joke is this? Ivan can not die! I just met him last night and in the morning he died. What the fuck is this?" Anya asked while crying

She did not love him but he was a good friend of hers. They were working on their relationship. They might have become a couple in future as well.

But now everything is gone. He is gone. She regrets not going with him. She should not have left him alone.

First Sera now Ivan! At least Sera is Alive but Ivan is not.

"Do not cry my queen! We do not understand how he died. It was not your fault at all." Antonio said and sat beside her

He forwarded his hand to wipe her tears but retreated after thinking something.

"Antonio, may I come in?" someone called him

"Yes sir, please come inside." Antonio said and got up immediately from the bed

"Is she fine?" he asked

"What are you doing here Mr. Knight? Why are YOU here now? What do you want? You did not get satisfied after slapping me yesterday that now you are here?" Anya asked angrily

At this moment he is the last person whom she wants to see or interact with. She just does not want to look at his face any more.

" My queen please! He is here for formalities not to do some party that you are shouting at him. "Antonio defended Caliban

" Shut up! Both of you get lost from here. Leave me alone! "Anya shouted and started crying more

Everything is too much for her right now.

" Anya! I know you are really hurt and not in a mood to entertain anyone. I am here because everything started from my party only. So as a good citizen I am here to guide the police and help them." Caliban said a bit gently

"Just leave!" Anya shouted and Antonio and Caliban took their cue to leave

Anya lay down on her bed and started crying hard.

"Do not waste your precious tears on a pathetic fucktard like him Samantha. He does not deserve it. He wanted to snatch you from me and that is the reason he died." Anya heard the voice once again

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now