Prologue & Important Note

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Anya's pov

I can not do this anymore I just can not! Enough of this game! I have gone mad completely. I am a mental patient now!

I was doing fine I thought but no I was not.

First those dreams then those guys who look like him and then that spine chilling voice that is haunting me for months now.

I am so much done with everything. I am sorry Mumma papa and Bro but I can not tolerate this and be a burden on all of you. I am sorry my best friend Sera but I have to leave you all and this world.

I closed my eyes and prayed for my family for the last time to the almighty.

I stood up on the railing of the bridge from where I decided to jump and end my life.

"I love you all!" I said and jumped from there………..

So it's the new prologue of The Mephistopheles

This book will be divided in two or three books depends on the length.

So it will be a duology or trilogy

Be patient while you read this book because you won't get action just immediately.

Patience is virtue my dear readers this book is something out of everyone's imagination. There are many characters and their story.

So yeah be prepared for the ride

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