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I have posted a few reels on the book you can check my Instagram account Ankitaghosh200 to see them

Anya's pov

"Because you're fucking mine, Anya Banerjee! And no fucking one can see what belongs to me." saying he smashed his lips on mine

It's happening! It's really happening! Caliban Knight is kissing me! It's my first official kiss with him! Oh God! Is it actually happening?

I was not in a state to move or do shit because of the shock that I got from him. Against him, I'm feeling so fucking weak.

"Kiss me back!" he growled against my lips, making me come back to my senses and I started pushing him away from me

He can't kiss me like that, no! We don't have any relationship to share a kiss. He didn't like that I was protesting. That's why he took my hands and kept them together in his other hand. But I don't want my first kiss to be like this! What should I do now?

Ugh, why the hell does he have to be so damn strong and a giant against me? After a point, I gave up, and to be honest, he is making me feel exactly like Rishav did. It's like he's kissing me again.

He spared my lips when he got satisfied with the kiss, leaving me in a messed up condition. I sat on the passenger seat, leaving his lap, because I needed some distance between us right now.

"Explain!" that's all I said because I'm fucking out of breath

This guy sucked my soul out of my body! God, how the fuck is he so good at kissing when he isn't in a relationship? Wait, was it a rumour then? Or is it actually Rishav playing games with me?

"There is nothing to explain, Anya! You're mine, and I don't share what's mine." He said and I gave him a, are you for real? look

"Mr. Knight, what do you mean by you're mine and I don't share what's mine? When the hell did I become yours? When did I say yes? Heck, when did you even ask me? Is it a joke going on?" I asked him after making sure that I was breathing normally

"No, it's not! I am serious. Be mine, Anya Banerjee!" he said with a straight face

Wait, why isn't he out of breath like me? Is it only me who was affected, like she had run a 10 mile race? And what's with that face of his? Is he doing some business with me or what?

"You're asking me or telling me?" I asked him because I am not sure about it even though I can tell by his attitude that he is informing me that I am his.

"I will be very clear with you, Anya! I never asked for anything. I get everything I need with a snap of my finger. I never had to ask, but still, I am being polite with you and offering you to be mine in a decent way." He said and let me tell you, this guy can't be more arrogant

"You call it being polite? You kissed me out of nowhere, claiming me as yours, and now you're saying this? You know what? I was wrong about you! You're more arrogant and narcissistic than I thought you were. I am not a thing to own, for heaven's sake." I told him and that's the truth

"I never denied being that, did I? Whatever you say, I am like this, and I can't change myself out of the blue now, can I? If I ask you to not use your sharp tongue so much everywhere, will you be able to listen to me? If I ask you to not give me or anyone else an attitude, will you be able to do that? No, because that's your nature. I was born into a family that screams luxury and money. I was raised in a different way than yours, and that makes me different as well." He said with a serious look

Can this man be less straightforward for once? Why the hell does he have all the answers to every damn question of mine? He always gives answers that shut me up.

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now