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Anya's pov

"Hello my dear wife, I thought you would never summon me. I missed you so much, did you miss me?" that man asked but that didn't shock me what shocked me was his face

How can he look exactly like Elijah?

"What the heck? Who are you?" I asked him immediately

"Your husband," he replied with a chuckle

"Stop kidding me! You're no one to me." I shouted

"If you say so Crystal." he said I froze on my place

What did he call me? Crystal? That werewolf girl? Who had two admirers? No in fucking hell I am her. How the fuck am I her?

"I am not Crystal. I don't know her so stop calling me Crystal and don't disturb me either." I said angrily

I need to summon Rishav and others only they can help me. They need to know as well what's going on here.

"Damien and others please come into my room right now." I said loudly and all of them appear in my room in a blink

"Who the hell is he? Are you fine little birdie?" Rishav asked as he stood beside me checking for some injuries or something

This guy is really something! He is the best boyfriend or husband you can ever ask for and I'm the luckiest fellow alive who got him as her life partner

"I am fine but he is that man who is bothering me. He is Crystal's husband and he called me Crystal. Now you tell me who I am, Samantha or Crystal?" I asked them all

"Of course you're Samantha. Who is Crystal?" Rishav asked

"My greetings to the great Da…" "Emperors of Risentria" Damien cut him off in mid before he can finish his sentence

"Yes the great Emperors of Risentria I am Jeremy the king of Avalor." Jeremy introduced himself

"Why are you bothering our wife King Jeremy? what is this behaviour?" Damien asked calmly but he sounded really dangerous at that moment

"I am trying to get my wife back, Emperor Damien. I am not bothering your wife but trying to revive my wife." Jeremy said and I didn't understand shit

What is he even saying? Looking at others I bet they are thinking the same thing.

"Are you in your senses? Are you even listening to yourself? She is Samantha, our wife's human, not your wife." Lucifer said this time

"I know that! But the truth is Anya is not Empress Samantha but my wife Crystal, a creature of hers. My wife died and mixed with her creator and took birth as a human and that human is Anya. I am not lying, I can prove it." Jeremy said and unconsciously I grabbed Rishav's hand

What is he even saying? I don't believe that, if he is my husband then what about Rishav and Caliban? What about others?

"I don't trust you! You're lying, I am not Crystal, I am Samantha. She doesn't know any Crystal." I shouted on him

"Calm down Anya don't shout. Let's see what proves he has." Damien said

"Crystal baby! Please come out and talk to me! See your Jimmy is here to meet you." Jeremy said and I closed my eyes

Same thing happened just like it happens when Samantha comes out and talks.

"Why are you here? I don't want to see your face ever, Jeremy." I said or I say crystal said?

"What are you saying little birdie?" Rishav asked

"I didn't say anything, Rishav. I don't know who she is." I said

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