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Author's pov

"Here comes our daughter in law. She is more beautiful than the pictures and videos." That woman said that, and Anya looked at her like she had gone completely mad.

"Indeed, you're really beautiful, Anya. Oh, you must be confused and wondering who we are. We are Elijah's parents. We came here to talk about your and Elijah's marriage. I am Richard Adams and she is my wife Lauren Adams," Elijah's father said and Anya felt like her head will blast any moment

She immediately texted Caliban to visit her home. She isn't in a position to handle this drama.

"My marriage with Elijah? Why will I marry him?" Anya asked, going towards them

"Why won't you marry your boyfriend? We know everything, dear, don't think we will judge you for being a gold digger or anything. Our son is in love. We know that very well, and we can see that his choice is really nice. We saw the viral video, and we know how much negativity it's spreading, so we are putting an end to it. Once you both get engaged, it will be fine." His mother asked

"I guess you're misunderstanding us, Mrs. Adams; we aren't in any kind of relationship. Hell, we aren't even friends. He is my senior, that's it, and that video is fake. Mum, dad, why are you silent? Mum, you know everything, right? Then why are you silent about this? Why didn't you tell them the truth?" Anya asked angrily

She is irritated and frustrated to the core; her mind is fucked up, and this drama is the last thing she wants.

"I know everything about the situation, Anya, but that video made me speechless. Explain what's going on. Antonio will be home any moment he sees it, and he will be too angry. Your video wasn't something I was expecting to see." Alice said and Anya wanted to pull her hairs

She will kill the person who made that video and posted it online.

"I don't love Elijah. I don't have any relationship with him other than being senior and junior. He once saved me from harassment, that's it. I am not understanding why you would come here with a marriage proposal without knowing anything, Mr. and Mrs. Adams. At least you should have asked Elijah before. I am so done with everything. In college already, I faced so much drama I couldn't tolerate it anymore." Anya said frustratedly

"But the whole college knows you're dating him. You accepted that as well. We have an image in public, Anya, that we need to maintain. Your video has affected it very much. We are trying to get everything sorted out. We came here after knowing everything, Elijah's phone wasn't connecting, which is why we came here directly after knowing everything." Mr. Adams said seriously

He didn't like her behaviour at all. Here they came to put an end to this scandal by getting them engaged, and she is behaving like this.

"You don't know anything, Mr. Adams, that's the problem." someone said and Anya sighed in relief

"Caliban Knight?" Mr. Adams asked astonished

"Yes, Caliban Knight, the one and only. You see, this girl here is mine. She is my girlfriend and soon to be fiancé. We were planning to get engaged a couple of months later, but as soon as this scandal happens, we will pre-pone our engagement. Your son and my girlfriend have nothing between them, and they will never have anything, I assure you that." Caliban said, holding Anya by her waist

Anya also leaned back toward him. She doesn't mind being engaged with him, as she started loving him slowly, and she is positive that he feels the same for her.

Mr. and Mrs. Adams didn't know how to react. They never thought that Caliban Knight was her boyfriend. How on Earth will they know?

"You can leave, I guess, if you're done. Oh, the invitation for our engagement will be sent to you." Caliban said with a smirk

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now