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" What was that Duke's name?" Anya asked Elena though in her heart she has a feeling she knows the name

"Duke Drake Nightstone!" Elena replied, proving Anya correct.

"Drake! Do you know the girl's name? Whom he loved?" Anya asked Elena

"People say that her name was Leah. She was from a local orphanage. Real or fake, no idea about it." Elena replied

Anya knew that one of the mysteries of her life was going to be solved. She will finally know about Leah and Drake.

"Anya are you fine?" Elena asked her as she found her zoned out.

"Yes I am! I guess we should go back home." Anya said as she wanted to go home

"Sure!" Elena replied

"Elena, will you take me to that castle? I want to visit it." Anya said Elena stopped in her tracks

"When?" Elena asked

"Tomorrow if possible?" Anya asked

"Next week, you should be energetic on the first day of college and this visit will surely tire you." Elena said and Anya really felt irritated because of that

She wanted to go there and know everything about Drake and Leah. She knows that she will find something for sure if she visits the castle.

" But we will come back soon! "Anya said trying to change Elena’s mind

" We need a whole day to visit the Castle. The Castle is so big! We will go next Saturday, promise!" Elena said and Anya huffed but nodded her head

" A little patience will not harm you Samantha! You can always visit the castle later on" that voice said in her head making her scoff

"Now I needed this only! Again that voice!" Anya muttered under her breath

"Did you say something?" Elena asked and Anya shook her head in no immediately

"Not at all! I guess we should go back. You ditched your boyfriend for me. He must be impatient to meet you." Anya said as she wants to go back

"Yes we should. I need to help mom to prepare the dinner as well." Elena said and both girls went back to their home

Anya took a shower after coming back from outside to feel fresh and she did feel fresh.

Sitting on the bed she sighed loudly. She wanted to visit that castle but Elena did not take her there she felt angry at Elena.

"Patience is a virtue, my love!" she heard the very familiar voice

"Who is it?" Anya asked though she knows who it is

"Tyler here lil one! How was your day?" Tyler asked

"Like you do not know!" Anya said flatly

"I do not! It is not that I keep an eye on you every second!" Tyler said and Anya could sense the hidden sarcasm in his words

"You keep an eye on my every move?" Anya asked him

"I count every breath you intake!" Tyler replied and Anya found it creepy

"Do not behave like a creep Tyler! You tell me about you and Samantha. What is this? I do not understand why that voice keeps calling me Samantha and you claim to be my husband. Wait, how are you here? I am not even sleeping then how the fuck i can dream about you?" Anya asked as she realised that she is wide awake and according to her theory he comes whenever she is asleep as he is her imagination

She heard him laughing loudly and that made her feel more scared of him.

" Oh my lil one, why do you always think that I am your imagination? I mean Come on a virgin like you can not imagine such a hot sex and get an intense orgasm on your own. You used to pleasure yourself before as well but did you ever get this much pleasure? "Tyler asked and Anya's cheeks tinted red hearing him

" Shut up! That means you are real? "Anya asked

" As the sun and moon! You are pregnant as well." Tyler said

" How? "Anya asked

" Your soul is pregnant Anya! And your soul is Samantha. Samantha is pregnant so that makes you pregnant as well and I am her husband that makes me your husband as well. "Tyler said and Anya tried to digest whatever he told her without freaking out

" Am I mad?" Anya asked herself

" No you are Samantha!" Tyler replied

" Shut up Damien! You do not need to reply every time! " Anya said and covered her mouth in shock

" You remember me Samantha?" that specific voice said that calls her Samantha

"Who are you? I do not remember anything." Anya asked clearly scared

"I am Damien Rose, remember me?" Anya heard and found Damien standing in front of her

He looked the same just the way he was that day but only his eyes are pitch black.

Anya found them beautiful!

"How can you be here in my room?" Anya asked as she got up from her place

"I can be Rose, I can be anywhere I want to be. I am Tyler as well, I am those guys whom you met. Lucifer, Ethan, Rishav all are me. You do not need to be scared of me. I will never hurt you, not even in my dreams." Damien said and held Anya's hands

As soon he did that again that scene flashed in front of her eyes.

She in white clothes along with white hairs and white eyes standing between fire and her body turned into ashes in front of Damien.

She jerked his hand away from hers as she could not take it anymore.

"What was that? Why did I see that? The first time we met I saw that, again when you touched me now I saw that. What is this?" Anya asked him

"That is the past of ours! Our pathetic and tragic past. You commited suicide and that is the reason you are here away from me in this mortal world. I miss you Samantha! I terribly miss you. Every memory of ours kills me from inside everyday." Damien said and tears came out of his eyes and Surprisingly his tears are black just like his eyes

" I Remember everything Damien, it is me, your Samantha! "Anya or I say Samantha said to Damien

" You do? " Damien asked surprised

" Yes but you are not supposed to be here Damien. The mortal world is not your place to visit. Why did you come here? " Samantha asked

" I can not stay away from you anymore! I have stayed away enough." Damien said like a stubborn kid

"You know you have to! That curse will not let us be together until it is broken. Anya will break it and then we will go back to Risentria, our home. But for now you need to leave and stop visiting her like this. I am awake now Damien and I will keep everything at check. I will come back to you very soon." Samantha said and placed a soft kiss on Damien's forehead and with that Damien vanished in thin air

" What the fuck was that? "Anya shouted as she woke up from her sleep or that is what she felt

" Thank god that I was sleeping and it was not real. "Anya said and sighed in relief

" You were not sleeping Anya nor was it fake, everything is real. " someone said, making Anya still in her place.

So Samantha is out and now we know who are all of the guys whom she met before

I know you must be thinking what is that curse thing and who talked to Anya now

Everything will be answered in next update

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now