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Anya's pov

Few months later

Today is the last exam of this semester and after two days I'm getting engaged to Caliban. Yeah sounds like a joke but it's not a joke. It's the reality of my life.

Many things has happened in these few months with me and the most important thing is Caliban proposed me to marry him in front of everyone like media was present there and it's a thing for everyone now that Caliban knight the heir of Knight family is in a serious relationship with me and is going to marry me. I became a celebrity overnight you can say. He was forced to appoint security for me and my family members because the media won't leave us alone.

It's not that everyone took the news of our relationship positively; many people tried to defame me saying I'm a gold digger. I just want his money bla bla! But he shut them up all how I don't know nor I want to know. Granny is such a sweetheart I am telling you we have met a few times after our first meeting at his mansion. She stayed here for a while but then she flew back to California. She is coming today to attend our engagement. All the arrangements are done by Caliban himself. That guy has gone mad in happiness. He behaves like a kid with me.

Our relationship is stable and I am glad that it is stable.

In the time span more things happened as well and that's something I don't want to think about if I tell Caliban that he will seriously kill him for sure.

After that video incident Elijah tried to talk to me many times but I avoided him. It continued over a month but one day I couldn't anymore and to my bad luck Elena wasn't with me either.


Author's pov

Anya was going towards the canteen to have something as she was hungry after attending classes back to back. Elena was feeling sick, that's why she skipped college today.

Co incidentally the number of students present today was less than normal so the canteen was almost empty.

She ordered a chicken sandwich and coffee for herself and sat on the empty chair.

She was waiting for her order to be prepared when she felt the chair beside her move and she noticed the person who sat beside her.

It was none other than Elijah!

Anya looked at him and was about to get up but he grabbed her hand and made her sit.

"What is this behaviour Elijah?" Anya asked him as she didn't liked the fact he held her hand and stopped her

"Why are you ignoring me Anya?" Elijah asked her calmly

"What do you mean? Why will I ignore you? Who are you that I should ignore you? And if I'm ignoring you then you should take the hint and not bother me right?" Anya asked calmly after freeing her hand from his grip

"The question is why will you do that?" he asked her again

"I don't think you're someone so important that I will ignore you on purpose. You're thinking too much about the situation." Anya said and the canteen worker served her order

"As you can see my food is here. I would like to eat it so please excuse me Elijah." Anya continued

"I won't until and unless I get my answers. Is that Caliban knight behind this? Is he stopping you from talking to me? Tell me please!" Elijah said desperately now

"First of all take his name with respect, secondly he has nothing to do with my behaviour. I am an independent girl with her own brain so I don't need anyone to tell me what to do and what to not. Caliban is my boyfriend and soon to be fiance so don't drag him in our conversation like that as if he is some villain over here. Whatever I'm doing, that's my choice and I'm not obliged to give explanations for it." Anya said and took her sandwich and coffee to go somewhere else

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