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Author's pov

"My queen, I have to tell you something and ask you something." Antonio said when Anya came down to have her breakfast

After having it she is going to check on Sera and then Antonio will drop her at college.

"What?" Anya asked, narrowing her eyes as she knew what his question could be.

"Sunday's party is a poltergeist prom so yeah be ready according to that only and whom you are taking with yourself?" Antonio asked and Anya shook her head

"I am not telling you that and what is this poltergeist prom? What does it mean?" Anya asked confused as she is not familiar with this term

"it means that you have to get ready as a ghost or supernatural creature. you look like a ghost only without makeup so it is easy for you to get ready for the party." Antonio added to tease her

He knows she will not tell him whom she is taking with her though he knows who it might be. And he is bothered about the same.

" You blood sucking creature, you look like a ghost. I am beautiful with or without make up huh! Even if I dress up in that way I will be the most beautiful ghost." Anya said angrily

"Yeah sure!" Antonio said and rolled his eyes

"We will see that on the day of the party." Anya said and started eating ignoring Antonio who just smiled looking at her

"So when are we going and what is the theme?" Ivan asked Anya

"yeah it is a poltergeist prom. And we will go there by 7 pm." Anya said

"It will be interesting, by the way when are we going to India?" Ivan asked

"Umm not sure but I guess after two weeks. Do not know the date exactly." Anya said with a shrug

"OK cool! I am too excited to go there more than anything ." Ivan said

"Why?" Anya asked

"Because it is our first trip together." Ivan said and Anya blushed

"Do not increase your punishment Samantha!" That same voice said to her, making her smile fade away.

But she continued talking to him but did not smile much.

Two days passed like wind and it is night time now tomorrow is Sunday, the day of the party. 

Anya is laying down on her bed with closed eyes she wanted to sleep early so her eyes will not look puffy or dark circles will be present

"Samantha! Wake up my love!" Anya heard and opened her eyes to only find herself in a different room.

She looked around to find herself in a small house.

She tried to understand where she was exactly and looked outside to find Dense forest surrounding the house.

She could not understand exactly where this place was. It does not seem like she is in California.

"What are you trying to find? An escape Samantha?" That familiar voice said and Anya turned around to find The guy whom she knows with multiple names

"You? Who are you? Why are you here? Where are we? How did you bring me here? Why do you call me Samantha?" Anya asked in one breath making that guy chuckle

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now