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Anya's pov 

My heart felt like it would burst any moment or jump out of my ribcage. What the hell is Caliban doing here? Antonio did tell me that Caliban will be visiting Virginia, but this soon? Why do we have to meet like this? Did he see Elijah holding my hand? Did he see us together? Fuck it. No more misunderstandings between us! 

"Thank you, Elijah, for saving me from that guy and helping me find my friends. I will see you in college! Once again, thank you." I told him in front of everyone so no one will cook their own story and serve it on my name 

"You're welcome; don't forget that you promised me a coffee date." He said that, and I nodded hurriedly 

He left from there and mixed in with the crowd, leaving me alone to face four pairs of eyes. One is angry, another is suspicious, another is curious, and the last one is like it will burn me alive. No Brownie points for guessing which eye belongs to whom. 

"What happened? What guy are you talking about? I told you that's why I wanted you to stay nearby. Are you fine? Why the hell does your hand have a bruise on it?" Antonio asked, tensed 

Well, I was sitting and minding my business when a jerk decided to mess with me, and when I didn't give him shit, he tried to force me and twisted my hand. Then Elijah saved me and helped me find you all. Elijah is from our college, and he is a senior of mine. I just told him I would drink coffee with him as a thank you because he wanted that. My hand is in pain!" I finished my rant giving explanation of everything 

"So you still create trouble for yourself on your own, I see. Changing the place hasn't changed you at all, I must say. You're still the troublemaker who invites trouble." Can you guess who said that? Of course you did; you had to because this kind of taunt only one person can make 

The great Caliban Knight! Why does he have to be so harsh on me? He said all of that with a tight lipped smile on his face. 

"I don't invite trouble, Mr. Knight. I am a beauty that attracts attention from everyone around me like a beautiful butterfly. Being beautiful isn't a crime or my fault, now is it? And changing places can never change the person. You're the best example; you're still the same arrogant guy whom I met a few months ago. You haven't changed even a bit. I will never forget how you got me into the hospital in the first place. "Whatever happened the last time we met, I clearly remember it," I said sassily, but smiling innocently, which appeared to be an evil smile, but who cares?  

If he can't stop taunting me, why should I be shy and sweet? When he gives me the reason to be shy and sweet, I will be that, but that time isn't now. Future destined husband or not, until he behaves with me, I won't either. 

"Butterflies are mostly caught and trapped in a jar because they are beautiful, Ms. Banerjee. Almost every beautiful thing is locked in a showcase. And about being arrogant, if spilling facts makes me arrogant, then yes, I am arrogant. Last time I checked, you were hospitalised because you were so traumatised by the sudden death of your boy toy that you imagined stuff, and that's why you met with an accident. I saved your life, to be honest. 

You should remember me and everything that happened because Caliban Knight isn't someone to be forgotten easily. You can hate me or love me, do whatever you want to but you can't forget or ignore me. My personality won't let you. By the way, being beautiful is obviously not a crime, but we should display that beauty in a secure manner, I guess, because this world is filled with hunters who are hunting purity, innocence, and beauty. Beware, otherwise someone will hunt you down and keep you with him." He said those words so casually but the words hold a deep meaning inside them 

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now