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Anya's pov

I left the cursed mansion and started walking towards my aunt's home. If I can't reach there on my own, I will definitely call Naima.

All of them played very well with me. If I was not their target, I would have loved the way they played it and praised their skills for sure. I clearly remember that day of Caliban's party when Rishav came there to talk with me. Caliban wasn't present, but Rishav was. He consoled me, saying that he is real and that I am fine. I don't need to worry about anything. I was crying in his arms, but I don't know when I fainted, and the next day I woke up in my bed. Everyone thought I was hallucinating, but that wasn't the truth.

I guess it was them who tricked everyone into believing I gave the police my statement about Ivan's death. Everything is related to them, but then why is Elijah so familiar? Like I have known him for years? I don't think he is a part of Rishav or Damien, then why?

Leave it for now! I have a lot on my plate, and I can't take more stress. I will think about my past later. For now, let's focus on the present. Even though it feels like ages have passed, in reality it's just an hour or two that has passed, and I saw everything in that time. I have to find out who killed Marium, but for that, I need to fix my head.

I reached where I wanted to reach on my own, and that made me happy. Now I have to sneak inside without anyone knowing I was out; otherwise, everyone will start fussing about it as well.

I opened the door, and to my bad luck, Antonio was sitting in the living room like he was waiting for someone, or maybe me?

Not again! I can't take his lectures right now.

I walked inside, and his eyes snapped towards me. Here goes nothing!

"Where were you?" he asked and I sighed

"I needed to be somewhere; I was there!" I replied

"That was not a proper answer to my question. If you don't want to answer me you can answer your parents easily, can't you?" he asked, knowing well he got me here

I don't want any of them to indulge in this mess and make it messier for me. They are better out of this shit.

"I went to visit the Nawab's mansion. I am not harmed in any way, so chill! I went out in one piece. I came in one piece, so there's no need to snitch on me in front of them. I took Naima with me as well." I told him and he just raised his eyebrows

Sometimes I think he is here to irritate the shit out of me with his unnecessary questions and inquiries about my life. Like someone has planted him in my life so he can keep an eye on me.

"You could have told me I would have taken you anyways; if you do, next time Aunt Alice will be talking to you, not me. Now go to your room and freshen up. If you haven't eaten already, which I think you haven't, come down so we can eat together." He said that and dismissed me

Mumbling fine I went upstairs and took a bath. I was wrecked. I wonder if Antonio missed my state or refrained from commenting on it.

Whatever it is, I dressed up in my comfy clothes and, of course, warm clothes as well. I am famished, and after so much revelation, I need to eat a lot and sleep.

I went downstairs and ate with Antonio, who was again doing something on his laptop. Even though he is on leave, he is mostly sticking to his laptop or phone for work purposes. With his work, I remember Caliban Knight as the greatest jerk I ever met.

Will he be my husband? The one who hates me and I share the same feelings for him is going to be my husband. If he is Rishav's human, then I am Samantha, so we are meant to be married and live together happily. I wonder if he will even consider me as a romantic partner. Marrying me is out of the box completely. It's not that I am dying to marry him, but for Samantha, I have to do that. I can't keep her away from her husband, now can I? When I know how much they love each other and have suffered without any fault.

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now