Chapter-70 18+

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Anya's pov 

I woke up with a mild headache. It's still dark, which means it's night. I was lost in my thoughts about what happened to me when everything hit me hard. 

I acted like a possessed woman and tried to threaten Damien. Like really? Why will I threaten him with my life when he doesn't fucking care about me? 

Was I really possessed by a ghost? 

"How are you feeling, little birdie?" Rishav asked me and I swear I had a mini heart attack 

What the hell is he doing in my room? They never stayed before, then why today? 

"You scared the shit out of me, Rishav! What are you doing here?" I asked him as he sat beside me 

"You scared us, little birdie. Never ever do that again. If you kill yourself again, I will die. I stayed back because you weren't in a good state, and you fainted. How are you feeling now?" He asked, side hugging me 

When he touched me, a warm feeling engulfed me completely. I felt safe in his embrace! I snuggled more into him, and he openly accepted me. 

"I am having a mild headache; other than that, I am fine. Does Damien really hate me?" I asked him 

Even though I don't care, this thing is disturbing me very much. 

"No, he doesn't! Damien is quite different from us; he is more serious and calm than us. He never shows his emotions openly. Samantha has a different place in his heart. Accepting someone who is different from her is hard for him. You can say he is backdated if you want, because he is that. He needs time, but once he starts loving you, there is no going back. Samantha never acted like that. That's why we were all shocked by your behaviour. 

 Our love is very dangerous, little birdie; once we start loving, it's over! There's no way to go back or break up. And in our lives, we only loved one woman, Samantha. Start accepting us and loving us. That's all we want. I've never tasted love before. I have Only heard of it. I have seen people in love but never had the luck to feel it.

 I am not a good man, Anya. I have committed many sins, with or without my knowledge, but one thing I can guarantee you is that I love you very much. I don't know why I do, but I do. You're different from all the previous humans. You're special!" Rishav said with tears glistening in his eyes and I swear when he called me Anya I felt the intensity in his voice; he was serious, not like his normal playful self. 

His every word held so much love and pain in them. My heart ached for him. I felt like hiding him from all the pain in this world and keeping him with me. But why did he say he never felt love? Didn't Samantha love him? Oh, my bad Samantha stayed with Damien, and Rishav came into existence for the human world. Now I can see why he said that. 

"Why did your humans hurt them, Rishav? If they were good, then no one would have suffered." I asked him and felt a drop of his tear in my hand 

"It was my failure and my sins. There are many things that are hidden. If they come out, everything will be destroyed. Always remember that we love you, no matter what happens. Anything can be a lie, but not our love. In a world filled with lies and deceit, if anything is true, it's our love for you. Our love is not your normal one. Our love is Dark, Obsessive, Controlling, Demanding, dominating, and any other red flag you can think of. We are the walking red flags and can be very toxic for you at times, but we will try our best to not hurt you in any way." He confessed honestly and I felt like I fell in love with him more 

I don't know what sins he is talking about or whatever happened in the past. I only know one thing: I want to be with this guy. I want to love him and be loved by him. It won't be wrong to say more than Caliban I feel drawn towards Rishav 

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