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Important note at the end i cleared few things there so don't skip it. Ivan's cast is published in the additional character part

Author's pov

"Sera! Are you fine? You scared us! Why are you so careless? Who asked you to go there alone? Why did not you take someone? It is your fault that you are in this state! God knows what affects it left in you" Sera's mother Selena asked her daughter or you can say accused her

"Selena! Please she just got her consciousness back, do not scold her now only." Alice tried to stop Selena

"I guess you should leave aunt Selena! Sera needs rest and I guess you all should leave. I will stay with her. Doctor told clearly no stress for her she is weak.Anya said in a tone that left no place for arguments

"Yes I guess we should leave." Alice said and took her mother away

Her father left silently following the ladies

Vanessa gave them an awkward smile because she did not expected her mother to react like this but nevertheless said

"how are you doing Sera? We were really tensed for you. What happened to you actually?" Vanessa asked

"I do not remember actually! I just remember I was going to buy the food items but something jumped on me and I felt too much pain! And next thing I know I was here. I am sorry you all were bothered because of me. Anya You did not blame yourself did you? I know you did. It was not your fault. So no self blame. I am fine now"Sera said and stopped to take some air

" I know and I will not self blame myself any more. And I will stay with you to take care of you. Your mother is not going to take care of you without taunting you so yeah." Anya said and remember the little meet she had with that handsome flirty boy who calls himself Rishav

A small smile crept on her face when she remembered their talk how he handled her calmly but suddenly she realised that she did not call Antonio

He asked her to call him when she woke up.

" Wait let me call bro he asked me to call him," Anya said and Sera give her a look

" He did? "She asked surprised

" Yes he is the one who brought you here and he was tensed for you as well "Anya said and Sera nodded but the shocked expression did not left her face

" Vanessa, I guess you should go back to your home. It is quite late! Thanks for staying here "Sera said and smiled at her

" Hey do not thank me. You are my friend and I stayed for my friend. Ivan was here as well but he had to leave. Now I guess I will leave. Will come tomorrow to meet you. Take care Dear," Vanessa said and left from there

" Antonio will come tomorrow morning. He is relieved that you are fine. It is me and you for now." Anya said and sat beside her

" You will be fine, do not worry." Anya said and caressed Sera's head

" I know, "Sera replied

" we will go to your house as soon you are better, I will take care of you, until you become perfectly fine, " Anya said and Sera nodded without arguing

" Now try to sleep," Anya said and Sera smiled at closed her eyes

"Where are they?" A guy asked to two other guys

"We tied them with ice beds chief as you ordered us." one of them replied making the Chief smirk

"Good!" Chief replied

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now