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This chapter is the longest one ever I have wrote in my life it has 5000+ words so in that happiness can I get 200 votes please? I am not even asking too much can you all appreciate my hard work by voting?

Anya's pov 

I yawned as I woke up! My body is aching. God, it's like a bulldozer has hit me hard. Of course, after having a night like that, I will feel like that. 

With that, I remember where is Rishav? He was the one who made my night memorable, and he even bit me in the neck.

I looked around and found him sleeping and hugging me. He looks so cute and adorable, like a baby, that no one will say that he was the one who did all that stuff to me last night. 

I looked at the clock and saw it was 8 am. Gosh, I've got to get my ass up; otherwise, I will be late for college. I couldn't wake him up, looking at his sleeping form. 

I very slowly detangled myself from him, taking care that I didn't wake him up in the process. 

I got up from the bed, and unfortunately, the moment I was away from him, he woke up. 

"Where are you going, Little Birdie?" Rishav asked me in his morning voice 

I never knew a guy could sound so hot and look like a model straight out of a magazine after waking up from sleep. 

"I am going to freshen up, then I will eat and go to college. Are you planning to stay here with me or what?" I asked him as my eyes scanned his naked body 

Wait! If he is naked, that means… I immediately looked at my body and found that I was wearing a shirt, and it was his shirt. Thank God that he had covered me with his shirt. 

"I wish I could stay with you every minute of my life, but for now I have to go. My human needs me to work properly. I will meet you this evening on our date. About the dress I know he will send it; that's my choice; don't make me wait. Wear that dress and Meet me, my love." He said with his charming smile and I nodded, deciding not to argue like yesterday 

I can't say no to him, it seems! His eyes do some kind of black magic on me, and his smile is enough to kill me. 

"Fine! You won't hurt me like them, right?" I asked him 

It's the only fear I have! He got up from the bed, and thankfully, his lower body was covered. 

"I will never hurt you intentionally, my little birdie. I love you." He said he was hugging me 

"Why did you bite me yesterday? I fainted after that." I asked him and he just smiled sheepishly 

Well, I marked you as mine; it's immortal stuff, you know. Don't think about it. Now I will take my leave. By the way, only I and you can see the shirt; no one else can, so dress up before someone enters." He said that, and I nodded hurriedly

After kissing my forehead, he left from here. I had many things to ask him, but never mind; I will ask everything later on. 

I dressed up for college and went downstairs to see that I had a parcel in my name. Didn't he fix the date last night? Money actually talks! I can see it here. 

"You have a parcel. Who sent it? Do you have any idea?" Mum asked me 

"Yeah, I do. I have a date tonight. If everything goes well, I will say yes to him and tell you as well who he is; until then, it's a surprise." I told her and she raised her brows 

"So you got a love proposal! I am impressed. I would love to meet your boyfriend." Mum said and I shrugged 

"He isn't my boyfriend yet, he just asked me out. I am hungry, Mum, gimme breakfast." I told her and she served me pancakes 

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now