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Anya's pov

Weird is the only word that can describe what I am feeling after meeting with Elijah. He is so creepy, and I don't want to be engaged with him in any way. Elena is still busy with her phone. God knows what she is doing.

"Will you keep that damn phone aside for a moment?" I asked her, irritated

"Yeah say! What happened?" she was clueless about the situation

"Didn't you see how he acted with me?" I asked her and she nodded her head

"I did! What can we do? I will suggest that you stay away from him and make sure you don't come in front of him much." she said she looked a bit different from other times

"I don't know why everyone is so weird around me. Like, wherever I go, I have to find a weirdo there." I said and sighed

"Don't worry; after a point, you will get used to it." Elena said nonchalantly and I glared at her but didn't say anything as our professor came

"Hey Anya! Again, we met." I heard Elijah's voice

Oh god, why? Just why? I just finished my lecture and came into the cafeteria to eat something. Now he is here again! I walked away like I hadn't heard him calling me

I have AirPods in my ears, so I can use that as an excuse for sure. But my bad luck, he came in front of me out of nowhere and started walking beside

Everyone in the place is looking at us like they saw a ghost. Can't they all mind their own business, including Elijah? If he thinks I am like those girls he uses every week, then he is completely wrong.

"I guess you didn't hear me calling you, so I thought to catch up with you." He said when I didn't pay him attention

"I am hungry, so can you please let me eat?" I asked him straight away, not beating around the bush

"I have been hungry as well for a long time. We can eat together." He said it again I felt weird

His presence makes me nervous for some reason, and I don't know what it is.

"Can you excuse us, please, Elijah? I would like to take my friend with me." Elena said she was coming towards us, saving me from him

"Mind if I join?" He asked, What is his problem? Why is he behind me?

"Girls have stuff that is not for men to know. Want to be a part of it? No right then, leave." Elena said with a smile which was sarcastic and nothing else

"Why be so mean to me when I haven't done anything to you? Do you want attention from the guys?" Elijah asked her and she rolled her eyes

"Even if I want attention from guys, you're not one of them." She said that and dragged me with her

I just gaped like a fish out of water, thinking about her words. She fought with Elijah for me when she was the one who always chanted that we couldn't mess with him.

"Why did you do that?" I asked her when we were away from him

"Protecting you is my duty, my queen, and I did my duty." she said and winked at the end

"what?" I asked, not understanding anything

Anya, you're my friend, and protecting my friends comes under my duty as a friend. I can fight with anyone for you." she said and smiled

After Sera, I found someone who really cares about me and protects me. With weirdos, I found good people as well. With Sera, I remember that I need to talk to her because she has been missing from social media for a few days.

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now