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Sheryaar's pov

17 years old

"See man again Ivy is staring at you and giving that fuck me already looks." my friend Sean whispered so only I can hear him

"I know!" I replied dryly as I have no interest in this topic nor I have time to waste on this topic out of everything

"So? If you know, then why aren't you doing something? I mean, come on, Ivy is the hottest among all the girls in our whole class. "How can you resist her?" He asked with a shocked look

"See, Sean, I am an Indian and Muslim you know that right?" I asked him seriously and he rolled his eyes

"Of course I know, why won't I?" he asked me in a bored tone

"In our religion, we respect women and don't see them as things, nor do we comment on their bodies like this. We only think about who is ours, only ours! Our women, our wives or wives, depend on the man and how many wives he has. We do not do things this openly, nor do things work like this.

I am here to study, not waste my time on some other man's woman, and you know rightly that I am committed to someone? I am engaged to my fiance, and I love her as well. Then why do you always say this kind of thing? I asked him strictly but his reaction again was rolling his eyes

"I know Sher things work differently in your religion and country, and about being engaged, you are just 17 for fucks sake, man. You cannot be tied to some girl who is staying far away in India, not to mention who is not even aware of you being her fiance. That girl is a child, so yeah. It is your age to enjoy your life, not behave like some old man with commitments and shit.

How can you even love a girl without ever seeing her or knowing her? I know about your love story and the bullshit conditions your father kept in front of you. I know everything, but still.

She is just 10 and you last saw her five years ago, and with time, she will grow more and change completely when you meet her. She will not be the little girl you met before, and how do you know that she will love you as well as you do? it is possible that she will love someone else in your absence, then what?" Sean said calmly but I just ignored him

He and his rubbish talk! How can she love someone else when, from time to time, I make her remember me and my love? I send her my love every year, and she knows me very well, and I know she can never have feelings for someone else. Her father has fixed our nikah and he knows how to keep his words, and my heart knows she is mine. She is made for me, and only me. My Marium, Jaan e Sheryaar.

"Hey Sheryaar, can we talk?" I looked up from my notebook to find Ivy standing in front of me blushing slightly and smiling

I looked down as always! Mostly, I keep my eyes down only because women here in abroad do not know how to cover themselves. They wear clothes that leave nothing to the imagination, they shamelessly show their legs and body to others and I hate it to the core. I do not wish to see any other woman other than my Marium like that. It is a sin to do it, but I have to endure everything silently because that is the culture here.

"I am busy, Ivy." I said and my answer was loud and clear that no we can not talk

She cleared her throat and again continued

"It is really important, please!"

"Fine! Say." I said but did not move my eyes from my notebook. I am preparing something for my Marium, and I need to finish this drawing soon so I can start working on it after I reach Srinagar.

"Sheryaar, I really like you. "Will you be my boyfriend?" she asked

"No! "I am sorry, I am taken; excuse me!" I said as politely I could say and got up from my seat

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