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A long chap for you all and I am updating in a row don't you think I deserve some treat?

Your comments are my treat do give me that minus the please update and update soon comments at least on the day when I'm updating that's really irritating for an author

Enjoy the chap

Author's pov 

"My child, are you fine? I heard that you had those dreams again." Alice Anya's mother said as soon as Anya came back home 

"I will kill you Bro!" Anya muttered under her breath and gave Antonio a nasty look 

"Mum, I am fine! Nothing happened to me! Just a nightmare, I am perfectly fine. See! And you know right Bro and Sera both are over protective of me they get anxious even if I sneeze so chill!" Anya said with a bright smile trying to make her mother believe that she is fine and nothing happened to her because of that dream 

" I am out of this matter aunt, I am leaving for some work! "Antonio said and tried to leave from there

" Antonio, where are you going boy? You are staying out for a long time now do not you think? "Alice asked her nephew 

" Aunt, actually I got a new job as an intern, you know right and I need to work hard to get a permanent job. I have been a burden on you since my childhood. At least now let me lessen it. "Antonio said and Alice looked at him hurt 

" Antonio, did we ever make you feel that you are a burden on us? You are our son, our first baby. Your mother, my younger sister left you, that was not your fault. You were never a burden on us. I have raised you with the same love and care as I gave to Anya! I never differentiate between you both. You hurt me today! Do not even dare to utter this nonsense in front of your uncle. He will slap you for real! "Alice said and wiped her tears 

" Aunt please! Do not cry, I did not mean to make you cry! I know that you are my mother. I may call you aunt but you are my mother in a real sense. After that woman left me to die and vanished from our life and my worthless father who does not even acknowledge my existence denied taking me under his wings, you and uncle took care of me! I was 4 when my queen came into our life but that did not change anything for me. You all love me and I know I am a part of this family as well. But still what is truth is truth. I love you all but that does not change the truth. I will make you proud aunt. Just a few days and I will get this job permanently then I will also contribute. It is for my happiness, "Antonio said and hugged Alice

" I will kick you out of this house if I hear this kind of nonsense ever again. You are my brother, not some stranger that you are talking about burden and all. We love you Bro! So never talk like that. "Anya said and Antonio nodded his head in yes 

" Now let me go, we will meet soon, love you! "Antonio said and left from there.. 

" Mum we need to buy things tomorrow is my first day of college, '' I asked Sera to accompany us as well. She must be coming at any moment. "Anya said and her mother showed her, her purse indicating she is ready. 


" Take care of Her! She does not know what is waiting for her in college. You have to protect her from everything." Someone said seriously 

" I will take care of her master, do not worry about that. I will fulfill my responsibilities that are given to me," another person replied and left from there 


" Mum, look at this! It is so cute! "Anya Gushed looking at a cute stationary 

Alice and Sera shared a look and shook their heads… 

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now