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Anya's pov

"Why the worst time? Did Damien tortured you?" I asked her because I felt like that

"Umm! He did tortured me but that was different from the torture you are thinking. And the worst time is not about him." She said while blushing lightly and I know about what she is talking

I do not wish to think about that. It is gross!

"Tell me one thing, who is Tyler to you? And how Tyler is a side of Damien?" I asked her

"Tyler is my husband as well, he is Damien only. Damien is an immortal and he has the power to divide himself in two parts one part is him another is Tyler and when needed they become one. Tyler is slightly different from Damien but both are almost the same.

Tyler loves you very much Damien also loves you but will not show he does not show his emotions easily, it took me almost 100 years to understand him and his ways of expressing emotions.

If you just judge him on his behaviour then you will feel like he is a heartless monster but behind his facade there is a little kid who wants love but is afraid of showing his emotions as he thinks emotions are one's weakness." Samantha replied and I understood

" hmm! "I only hummed not knowing what to say more

" You know I am a pure vegetarian I can not kill an innocent creature to fill my stomach and he is Non vegetarian he never eats green vegetables or anything but he wanted to have my handmade food and I will not touch non veg that will hurt me so I cooked whatever I eat and you know for the first time in his life he ate green leafy vegetables and other veg things.

I know he does not like to eat it but for me he ate it and praised me saying If I cook for him then he will become a vegetarian.

Though he said that but I knew he was having problems while eating it and I surely could not see my husband in pain so I told him that he will eat whatever he likes and when he wants to eat my hand made food I will make soup for him that he can consume with the rest of his meal. That shows how much he loves me but when he gets angry then it is a bad thing.

An angry Damien is not worth a sight trust me! First time he got angry after marrying me he destroyed everything in our room and I was scared so much because of him, I was scared of him only after that he was so rough in love making that I could not stand for a few days.

He was looking so dangerous in anger never make him angry Anya that will not end up in a good note" Samantha told me about his love for her and at the end she gave me a warning as well

Damien really loves her and that is proved by his actions Samantha seems so much in love with him then why did she commited suicide? I am not finding the link to that only.

"Why did you commit suicide Samantha if you were so happy in your life?" I asked her and I could feel the gloominess surrounding her.

"Damien had slept with uncountable numbers of women and once he slept with one woman she died because no woman could take him twice. It was all before me! Damien finally found a fairy who got used to him and did not died after sleeping with him she used to stay in the garden of heaven. Her name was Serena. She was no doubt beautiful and loved Damien unconditionally. "Samantha said and the grief was increasing

I felt a burning anger in me after hearing that he has slept with many girls. Why will he do that? Does not he loves Samantha only then why this behaviour?

" He was alone for 300 years, Anya . He never knew I was the one for him. He thought he would stay mate less and when he was just 15 his father forcefully made him sleep with girls and made him habitual of girls.

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now