Quick Info About The Characters

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As the book has many characters I will list them once again

Lucifer- the mysterious mall guy. He calls Anya senorita

Rishav- the flirty college guy and he is the one who took birth as humans on Earth he calls Anya Little Birdie. He is madly in love with Anya as he is Caliban's soul as well. Anya loves him back

Ethan- that charming Library guy he calls Anya kiddo

Damien- that restaurant guy who made her cry he called her Rose and has a bittersweet relationship with Anya

Tyler- You all know that he is the mixed form of Damien and others. How they work why they are brothers and stuff i have mentioned in details in the book. He calls Anya Little one.

All are Samantha's husband. They are not humans but immortal creatures and Samantha is Anya's soul. In short Anya is Samantha's reincarnation as a human due to a curse they are taking birth as Humans from 700 years and every time they die.

Samantha is pregnant means the soul is pregnant not Anya's body but as Anya is same as Samantha she is considered pregnant and have children. Immortal pregnancy's are not normal human ones. It takes a lots of time to give birth so Samantha's babies aren't taking birth while Anya is a human.

Samantha is the purest creature ever existed and Damien is the most evil creature ever existed. They are the Epitome of purity and Evilness. Who balances the negativity and positivity in world but yes there is always a bit of positivity in negativity and a bit of negativity in positivity remember that.

Rehan and Sitara- past human of Rishav and Samantha (Origin Nainital, India they were a Hindu and Muslim couple Rehan was Nawab and Sitara his house help's daughter)

Eugine and Windy- past human of Rishav and Samantha (Origin North Carolina both were students in same school)

Drake and Leah- past human of Rishav and Samantha (origin Virginia where Anya is staying currently. Draka was the Duke of Virginia in his tune and Leah was an orphan)

Dharmendra and Suryakanta- past human of Rishav and Samantha (origin South India currently back then Suryagar. Suryakanta was the princess of Suryagar and Dharmendra was a minister in her father's Royal court and her sword fighting teacher)

Sheryaar and Marium- you already know about them. They have their elaborated story.

Crystal a 16 years old werewolf who escaped from Heaven when Dark Lord attacked Heaven took the Queen of heaven with him. She is a pure creature not evil and can't shift in her wolf from because she doesn't have that much power.

Now you may think who are Dark Lord and Queen of Heaven right? So time will tell you who they are. By the end of book 1 you will know who they are. This book is divided in 3 books if needed that can be 4 books as well.

There are 2 love interests of crystal one The Blue Lycan and another one is That prince both are not yet introduced properly

Elijah is the guy from Anya's College who is her senior and constantly hitting on her.

Everyone knows Caliban no need to tell about him i guess?

Another reminder Samantha has pure white eyes without black and Damien and others have pitch black eyes without any hint of white. Everything related to Samantha is white and everything related to Damien is black. You can say Samantha symbolise as white and Damien as Black.

After reading everything if any of my readers crack something then don't comment it on the chapter but DM me because If you comment something that it isn't supposed to reveal now I will delete it sorry for that.

If you have any questions that makes you confused you can ask I will add the answer in this chap itself but make sure don't ask something that can be a spoiler i wont answer those questions.

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