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So my dear readers let's play a game

Comment in the most sarcastic or unique way possible

If I laugh reading them and felt they are really something you will get a prize from my side

I will answer the winner or winners one question regarding the book be it past or present or future in their DM

So let's begin

Anya's pov

We all walked inside the club, and as expected, the music was blasting inside and everyone was dancing like mad. Most of them are drunk, no doubt about that. I plan to get drunk as well; last time I was pretending, this time I won't pretend.

"I am going on my own way; when it is time to go back, I will call you guys. Don't disturb me until I call you." I told them clearly and before Antonio can poke his nose again, I mixed in the crowd, making sure they couldn't follow me

I am not in a mood to dance right now, so I will sit somewhere and drink something.

I ordered a cocktail for myself and sat down on a sofa, which wasn't occupied thanks to all the crowd members who were busy dancing. I didn't think that today it would be this crowded, but nevertheless, I am here to clear my head.

Thankfully, they didn't come to bother me again, especially Antonio. I know he is my brother. He is concerned about me, but he acts harshly toward me. I don't like that at all, and today he hurt me as well.

My thoughts went to Caliban. Was our timing bad to meet each other, or was it destined to be like that? He paid my medical bills and even took me to the best hospital as well. He came to my home to check on me after that party as well. He was slut shaming me. I accept that the fault was mine, but when I said the same thing about me, he got angry.

What is he? Someone whom I misunderstood or what? What type of person is he? I want to know badly.

"Hey, beautiful, why are you sitting here alone?" a guy asked, who came and sat beside me out of nowhere

"I am not alone!" I replied clearly that I was not interested in talking to him

"Of Course you're not; a beauty like you can be anything but alone. So you want to dance?" he asked me

"Not with you, for sure." I told him and got up from there

I will dance, but on my own and not with any idiots.

I went on the dance floor and started dancing carelessly. I had just a sip of my drink, so I am not drunk or affected.

I got a few looks from the guys who were checking me out shamelessly. I don't like bad attention, but as I am getting attention from males, it doesn't feel bad either. I feel attractive and wanted. I feel beautiful.

Throughout my life, I have been bullied for my looks, but not anymore. I am beautiful now, and everyone will start treating me like those beautiful girls. Beauty comes with many privileges, and I want to be that privileged. If I go back to California or meet my classmates, I will love to see their reactions now that I have changed a lot and am still changing.

I always loved to dance, but I never had the confidence to do it in front of everyone. Let's check my moves. Do I still dance the same way or not?

I started moving, following the beats of the music. I am letting myself loose and just enjoying my time. After some time, I suddenly felt a guy dancing too near me for my liking. I stepped aside and continued, but he again came near me, and I lost my shit when he placed his hands on my waist. I tried to push that guy away, but he wouldn't let me go.

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now