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Author's pov

"SHUT UP!" Anya shouted angrily

"Just shut up! I am not a slut! I am not! Yes I committed a mistake, a huge mistake and I do not know why I did that. I seriously do not know. I was just…." "You were just what? horny? You know what every girl says this only after they get caught." Caliban cut Anya in between again

Tears of humiliation were ready to spill out of her eyes but she held them somehow.

"You know what! Think whatever you want to, I am leaving with Ivan." Anya said and looked towards Ivan

"Do you want to come with me?" she asked him

"You can not leave like this Ms. After getting caught now you are running away." Caliban said

"Bro you are still going to work under this man? Who is humiliating your sister like this? You know me do not you? Still you are silent. Why? He does not know me but you do, right?" Anya asked Antonio

"I am not understanding Anything over here. Sir I am telling you there must be some misunderstanding, my sister is innocent." Antonio said

"Your sister clearly asked me to sleep with her. There is no misunderstanding." Caliban said

"I did not do that intentionally. I do not know what happened to me. I am mad. I guess that is the reason I did that. Antonio, you proved what kind of brother you are. Who not for once supported his sister." Anya said with a sarcastic smile

"I am sorry i can not leave the job, I have signed a contract that says I have to pay 5 millions to him if I leave the job on my own and what have you even done? Why will you say something like that to him?" Antonio asked

"Are you mad Antonio? Are you seriously mad? Who the fuck signs a contract like this? And do you think I can say shit like that on my own? Do you not know what I suffer from? You would not have said that if I was your real sister" Anya said..

"Anya you do not have to explain yourself in front of anyone, I trust you let's go." Ivan said but Antonio interrupted

"I will take my sister with myself, you take Vanessa with you and leave." Antonio said

"I will take a cab and leave, I do not want anyone coming behind me." Anya announced

"Anya I will drop you." Ivan said immediately

"You are coming with me, my queen." Antonio said in a no nonsense tone

"And I said I WILL TAKE A CAB AND NO ONE WILL COME BEHIND ME." Anya said and Antonio Bow down his head

Before anyone else can say anything Anya left from there and luckily there was a cab waiting outside only.

"I want to go away from this place. Start the cab fast." Anya said to the driver after sitting inside

"Yes," the driver said and started the car

"You will not go anywhere Samantha, go to your home." She heard that voice again

"Fuck you and your Samantha, you are just my imagination. I am getting mad and tomorrow I will visit a therapist, fuck everything I am so done with this shit." Anya mumbled under her breath..

"Go home or your best friend Sera will die," She heard again

"Fine, let her die!! Anyways she has nothing to do in this world," Anya said and cursed herself for speaking shit

She heard her phone ringing. It was Antonio. She declined the call and saw notifications of texts from Ivan and Vanessa.

She switched her phone off and released a frustrated sigh.

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now