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Author's pov

"My lord, why don't you tell her everything? Once she knows, she will come back to you willingly." Tedulah said to his lord

"You're either too naive or dumb Tedulah, your queen is not in the state to understand me and come with me. Don't you know they have trapped her well in their love game? She won't listen to me, even if I tell her the truth. So I need to play hide and seek, but not for long. I need my crystal back at any cost, and I will have her. My wife will be with me." that blue eyed man said

"Why don't we abduct her and you marry her? Once you marry her, she has to be with you with or without her will." Tedulah suggested

"You want her to die? Don't you know she needs to love me so I can take her with me? The curse needs to be broken first before anything can happen. I need to win my love back before they take her away from me." He said it and Tedulah nodded

"It's time to give your queen a small gift, Tedulah. Just like old times," he continued and Tedulah smiled, knowing his lord, the king of Avalor, is planning something big and it's end result will be amazing to see

Anya's pov

We both came back from our dramatic first date, and right now I am sitting in the car with Caliban beside me, who isn't ready to let me go. He has a pouty, mad look on his face, which is making him look cute. We had our dinner together, and the food was awesome! We danced as well, and in short, our almost ruined date turned out to be good.

"Caliban I need to go! It's getting late, so you should go back to your home as well." I told him

"I don't want to go anywhere without you. Why don't you stay with me? Without you, there is no home for me." He said that, and I looked at him with a smile

This guy never fails to surprise and amuse me! Who will say that the guy I slapped is the same guy whom I adore now? He was an asshole, but now he behaves like a baby with me.

"That's not possible, you know, right? It's our first day together as a couple. Let's give time to our relationship so it can grow beautifully. Even a plant needs time to grow from a seed. Our relationship is in seed form. We need to nurture it with our love, care, and understanding for it to grow up and bloom with the flowers we call love." I told him and he looked at me with an open mouth

I couldn't stop myself from laughing at his reaction.

"Your words are so deep, Anya! You won't leave me like my parents, right? I never felt the urge to be with someone after my parents death. Granny was there, and she was my only family, but now I want you to be there. I want to love you and have a family with you. I know I may not make any sense right now, but that's how I feel about you, and I was never dishonest about my feelings for you. Nor will I be." He said that, holding my hands in his own and I swear my heart skipped a beat

What is he doing to me? What are they doing with me? Rishav makes me drown in him, and Caliban just behaves like him sometimes and says things that make me feel things for him.

Am I falling in love with Caliban already? Isn't it too early to say that? But does love happen with everything in mind? No right? I am feeling so overwhelmed right now, thinking about everything. I have feelings that I can't understand, and I don't know who can make me understand either.

"I can't promise you anything Caliban life is very unpredictable; people can die at any moment, and anything can happen. I won't promise to be with you always, but I can promise to be honest with you and stay with you until I can. I am honored that you want a family with me, and trust me, I respect your wishes as well. Let's not think about the future and live in the present for now." I told him and I can clearly see he didn't like my words much because he left my hand and unlocked the door without saying anything

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now