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Author's pov

Anya is getting ready for the first day of her new college. She is nervous because her gut feeling is saying something is wrong. Something very bad is going to happen to her.

She hates her experience from her past college and new one is going to add more in that

"Calm your fucking nerves Anya Banerjee just fucking calm your nerves, it is all in your head nothing else. Nothing will happen." Anya told herself as she combed her hairs

Samantha has not talked with her again nor did she try to talk to her. She is angry at Samantha for taking that Apple And losing her baby.

Tyler or Damien has not graced her with their presence and she is thankful for that.

After the revelations of the past she needed a break from everything and everyone.

Things like this can exhaust anyone to the core and the same happened with Anya.

"Wait I did not apply any heavy make up then why am I looking all dolled up with proper make up? And is not my nose looking sharp as well that too without contouring? What the fuck? Holy Jesus christ!" She told herself as she noticed her face carefully

" Yes Anya, it happened because of me. When I woke up you are looking like me. Though we both have the same face, it is still different now. You are getting my beauty. Slowly everything will change in your body and your face. You will become the most beautiful girl ever existed. You are the epitome of beauty Anya! So your beauty will keep increasing, "Samantha said and again Anya took time to digest whatever was thrown on her face

She and the epitome of beauty? The girl who was once bullied for her looks will become the most beautiful girl ever existed?

She wanted Samantha to burst out laughing and say it was a prank but nothing like that happened.

"You are kidding me are not you?" Anya asked Samantha

"And why do you think I am kidding you? You know right, I always tell the truth . I can not lie no matter what, it hurts me if I lie. " Samantha said and Anya shook her head

"Let me become beautiful first, then we will talk about it. That means you were very beautiful, didn't you?" Anya asked her

"Damien used to say I am the most beautiful girl ever he laid his eyes on. I do not know if it is reality or not but he always used to say that whenever I felt that I am not enough for him." Samantha replied and something stinged Anya badly

"Oh! Nice!" Anya replied dryly

"He will love you as well, Anya , just give him some time." Samantha said understanding what has happened to her

"He can fuck off with his love I do not need his love or attention Why does he even call me Rose? He should call me Anya, that is better." Anya said

"I am you, you are me, we are one only sweety I know the reality very well. So stop lying to yourself." Samantha replied and Anya rolled her eyes

"I do not want to talk about it. I am going to college. New college, new drama ugh!" Anya said and picked her things up from the bed

Giving herself an over all look she came downstairs.

"Mum I will be late, give me breakfast." Anya shouted

"Eat your breakfast, I will drop you off at your college." Antonio said taking a bite from his sandwich

Anya was about to say fine but then she remembered his behaviour from last night.

"No need i will go with Elena." Anya replied dryly without sparing him a glance

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now