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Author's pov

" You were not sleeping Anya nor was it fake, everything is real. " someone said, making Anya still in her place.

Anya looked at the mirror to check if her mind was playing tricks on her or not.

"I am talking to you Anya! You are not imagining," That person said again making Anya jump in her place

"Who are you and how can you talk? I mean why did I talk like that? Fuck I am talking to myself only? Did I lose my mind completely?" Anya asked herself staring at the mirror

Yes the person who talked with Anya was Anya herself according to her.

"No Anya it is not you who is talking it is me Samantha, I am really sorry if I scared you. I did not mean to scare you. Actually I came out after so many years. That is why whenever I take over your body and talk you faint after sometime. I apologise for that as well "Samantha said softly and looked really embarrassed

" Anya you have gone mad. Do not think about anything you have lost your mind completely. You are insane now! Till now you used to imagine now you are talking to yourself as some Samantha as well. "Anya said and ran out of her house

She is wearing shorts and a top with spaghetti straps. She is running where she does not know but she knows one thing she just can not take this.

Anya's pov

I can not do this anymore I just can not! Enough of this game! I have gone mad completely. I am a mental patient now!

I was doing fine I thought but no I was not.

First those dreams then those guys who look like him and then that spine chilling voice that is haunting me for months now and now I am talking as some Samantha with myself.

I reached near a bridge that has a river flowing under which is deep enough to end my pathetic life

I am so much done with everything. I am sorry Mumma papa and Bro but I can not tolerate this and be a burden on all of you. I am sorry my best friend Sera but I have to leave you all and this world. I will miss everything but this misery needs to end.

I closed my eyes and prayed for my family for the last time to the almighty.

I stood up on the railing of the bridge from where I decided to jump and end my life.

"I love you all!" I said and jumped from there or I say tried to jump

I could not move from my place like someone had glued my legs with the railing.

"You will come down right now Anya if you do not want me to hurt your family." I heard the familiar cold voice which sounded colder than before

I turned slightly to find Damien standing there with his dangerous and scary black eyes. His eyes are completely black like a ghost.

He was angry, no doubt about that. I came down immediately as I was finding it hard to keep my balance there.

"What were you doing here Anya? You want to kill yourself?" He asked calmly and I flinched at that

I want to be anywhere but hear him at this moment.

"I asked you something." He asked and I nodded silently. What else can I do anyway?

"I need to take care of you it seems!" he said and grabbed my hand in tightly grip and in one blink of my eye we are back in my room

"How?" I asked him shocked

"I can do much more than this Anya!" he said and twisted my hand and pinned it on my back

"Ahh! Leave my hand hurts!" I said and tried to get out of his grip

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now