Chapter-75 18+

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Author's pov 

Anya is walking with Mrs. Knight who is walking silently. She wants to ask her so many things but doesn't have the guts to do so. 

"This room belongs to Caliban come." Mrs. Knight said and Anya didn't understand why did she brought her in his room to talk to her 

They could have talked in front of Caliban as well but they came here instead. Nevertheless she followed her inside the room and the first thing she saw was a hand made painting of hers in his room which he has kept in front of his bed as if he wants to see her face before sleeping at night and after getting up in the morning. 

Caliban never told her about this painting of hers; she needed to ask him about it. 

"Why are you standing there, come here and sit" Mrs. Knight said and Anya cleared her throat to get the get away from the awkward feeling 

"Why are we here?" Finally Anya asked 

"To talk! Judging by your expression I am sure you haven't stepped inside his room ever. Did you come to the mansion before?" Mrs. Knight asked 

"No, I haven't visited his mansion before." Anya replied 

"What do you exactly feel for him?" Mrs. Knight again asked 

"I told you already Mrs. Knight I don't know how to describe what I feel for him. I don't know if it's love or not but I am attached to him and care about him very much. I can't tolerate him going away from me or being with any other woman but I know for a fact that he is madly in love with me. I can always see it in his eyes. I am just a teenager who is turning 20. He is more mature than me and elder as well so his perspective and my perspective both are different from each other. I am no gold digger who is behind his money. I assure you that." Anya said what she felt she should say 

"I understand that. I know my grandson is madly in love with you and that's why he is in a hurry to get engaged with you. He doesn't want to lose you at any cost. In his 26 years of life he never engaged himself with any other woman. You're the first girl who won his heart and that's why I was so shocked and eager to meet the girl who made him fall for her. You being from a normal middle class family doesn't bother me. I have seen how ugly high class people can be so class difference is not my thing. I have raised Caliban after his parents death. He is very stubborn once he wants something he gets it at any cost and If he doesn't he makes sure no one gets that either. My grandson isn't bad but a bit problematic and that is a side effect of his parents leaving him like that out of nowhere. So now tell me will you accept him as he is? With all the problems and stubbornness he has?" Mrs. Knight asked her 

" I already did that. I have accepted him with all his problems he has told me about those things on our first date. I know what he is and I accept him." Anya said and Mrs. Knight just gave her a knowing smile 

"I have raised him and I don't know that he is completely my child. If you really know him then I will say you're the one for him. I hope you are giving your answers after thinking about everything." Mrs. Knight asked her again because as much she knows her grandson he is fire and not everyone can handle fire she doesn't want Anya to get burned by it 

Once the situation is out of her hands she won't be able to help Anya even if she wants to. Anya needs to decide after thinking about everything. 

"I am giving my answers after thinking about everything" Anya replied with a small smile 

"Very well then welcome to the knight family Anya. I approve you for my grandson as his wife but yes if in future you think you're stuck with him you will be on your own because I have no power to control him or interfere in his life. He respects me but he leads his life on his own terms." Mrs. Knight said clearly and Anya understood that Caliban has his dark side as well just like other humans of Rishav but she is positive that she won't be facing his that side 

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