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Anya's pov 

How the hell did he text me? Is he stalking me or what? Caliban, are you desperate to be with me? I mean, seriously! Is it really that Caliban Knight who said so many things to me? Why is he suddenly dying to be with me? Is it because of Rishav? Is it done by him? The great Caliban Knight, who never dated a single girl in his life, is behind me. Should I feel lucky or special? But shouldn't it be the other way around? He should feel lucky that I will be in his life. 

Maybe he is feeling that! That's why he is doing this. Let's text him back and know what's going on. 

"I never knew you were that desperate." I texted him back 

"Desperate? Why will you say that?" text came from his side 

The audacity of this guy! He got my number from God knows where and texted me and saying to me, Why will I call him desperate? Very funny! 

"Tell me the truth; are you stalking me? How long are you doing it?" I texted him while adding some angry emoji 

"Haha funny! Why will I stalk you? I am not stalking you; if I did, then you wouldn't just get a text from me but your details with your pictures that even you won't click or see ever" He texted back

It was supposed to be funny, but it didn't sound funny at all; rather, it creeped me out badly. 

"Where did you get my number?" I texted without beating around the bush 

"From the college group, it wasn't hard for me to get your number." He replied with a smirk emoji at the end 

Huh? College group? But how does he know at which college I am studying? I don't think I told him that or he has no other connection to know that means he is stalking me. 

"From when you're stalking me? Tell me the truth! How the hell do you know at which college I study?" I texted him 

"Anya, are you drunk? When I met you, I didn't find you drunk. Did you drink after I left? Why won't I know at which college you study?" he texted back 

"I guess you're drunk! We left the club together, and of course I was not drunk. What is wrong with you?" I texted him 

"When did we leave the club together? Wait, are you imagining spending time with me? Oh god, if I knew that before, I would have spent more time with you." He texted back and now I am doubting with whom I'm talking 

"Who are you?" I Finally texted, 

"Seriously? After talking for so long, you're asking me, Who am I? If you don't know who I am, then with whom are you talking now? Don't tell me you talk to everyone like this without knowing who they are." He texted back and now I am sure I messed up badly. 

With whom am I talking? If it's not Caliban, 

"Who are you? Tell me already!" I texted again, impatiently 

"Elijah Adams, who else? By the way, did you think that I was someone else?" he texted back 

Fuck! It was Elijah! Oh God, I thought it was Caliban. Thank goodness that I didn't take Caliban's name in the text; otherwise, I would have messed it up more. 

"You should have told me your name from the start. I thought you were someone else I knew. But why will you get my number from the group? It wasn't that important now, was it?" I texted him 

"I just wanted to talk to you; that's it. If I had asked you, you might have thought I was being creepy, so I got it from the group. Everyone gets numbers like this, so I did the same." He texted back a few minutes later 

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now