Chapter-34 18+

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Happy birthday to you CrunchyDelight today's chapter is dedicated to you my dear

Next target 160 as this one was not completed but I published the chapter

Author's pov

"So you are visiting India?" Elena asked

"yeah we will go to the castle next week," Anya replied sadly

No one else is more eager than her to know about the past of Drake and Leah. Her heart says that she will get to know many things after going there.

"Yeah, no problem! Enjoy your trip and do not forget to show me around when you go out. I have heard that the place is very beautiful. After all, it is called heaven on Earth." Elena said and Anya nodded

Both are talking outside of Anya's house perks of being neighbour

" You should sleep then. Tomorrow you have to wake up early. Is your packing done?" Elena asked

" Yes mum did that. Good night. "Anya said and Elena said the same

Elena stared at Anya's retreating figure and smiled.

Mature content ahead

Anya was anything but sleepy because after coming from college she has slept. And after sleeping for so long now sleep sounds impossible to come. She sleeps after coming back every day.

Suddenly she felt someone rubbing his nose on her neck and looked at her side to find Tyler there.

"What are you doing here?" Anya asked as she tried to get up and separate herself from him but he did not let that happen.

"Let me move," Anya said struggling against his grip

"You are making it hard for me lil one," Tyler said and it took her a whole minute to understand what he said

"Shut up and leave me!" Anya said her cheeks turning red like a tomato

"You can always shut me up lil one with your not so little melons." Tyler commented with a smirk

"You are so bad!" Anya commented closing her eyes in shame

"I am the baddest," Tyler said and bite her ear and suck it lightly

"Leave!" Anya said but it came out just above a whisper it sounded like she moaned

The next moment Tyler was on top of her sucking her lips there was an urgency in his pace.

He bit her lips to get the access to her mouth and she gave it.

She tried her best to match his pace but she was not able to.

She pushed him when she felt like she would pass out and understanding it he spared her lips.

Anya gulped a huge amount of air to lessen the burning feeling in her lungs.

"why will you do that? You are not my husband!" Anya said as she does not want to get attached with him or Damien in any way

After all she is just a human who is the key to break the infamous curse that she is not aware of yet. They are Samantha's husbands after all!

She does not want to get hurt in the process. Uniting the lovers can cause her a heart break and that is the last thing she wants to happen with her.

It is not that she does not want them to be happy but the thing is she is just an unwanted part of it. She is not welcome in their family and for some unknown reason her heart wants to be a part of their family.

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now