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Happy New year to all of you my dear readers ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Sera, Antonio and Vannesa's cast is updated

Anya's pov

"Are you done?" I asked my dearest brother for the 10th time who is not taking my name to come out from his room. I do not know what he is doing inside.

I am a girl and I do not take this much time to get ready ok I exaggerated I do take time but he is a guy what is taking so long for him to get ready?

I am literally dragging my brother out for dinner along with my best friend. Sera did not get a fever thankfully and I am really excited to visit that restaurant.

That Restaurant is posh and filled with good reviews. And the interior is amazing.

I will click many pictures today and post them on Instagram. I need to make my feed properly. I am so excited to taste the food and post the pictures and not to forget I love make up and I am dolled up for our dinner.

"Why are you standing here Anya?" mum asked me to give me a head to toe look

"I am waiting for my bro who is not coming out." I whined like a kid

You may find me weird that even after being 19 I whine and pout like a kid and even cry for small things but that is me. I am like this only childish with zero percent of maturity at least that is what my mum says.

" I am here!" Bro said and I huffed

"You took this long to get ready for this? I mean seriously?" I asked him pointing towards his clothes

"So what? I was not able to decide what to wear." He said in his defence

I was about to scold him when I saw something weird.

"Bro, by any chance you got a cut on your lips?" I asked him and he touched his lips where I can see a tiny droplet of blood

"Yeah maybe! While shaving I got it by mistake." He said and wiped the blood droplet

"Has your oh so beautiful best friend has come?" he asked giving pressure on beautiful

"She has a name bro! Do not be so mean to her. She has done nothing to you that you are always behind her ass" I told him as I do not appreciate the way he behaves with Sera

"Antonio, that is not what I taught you, boy. Respect girls do not body shame or slut shame them, And yes she has come and is waiting for you both downstairs." Mum said and I went downstairs immediately

She was wearing a black turtle neck sweater and blue jeans.

Oh and I am dressed in black pants and a yellow sweater with an owl printed on it.

Bro is wearing a black Button up shirt and blue jeans as well along with a white jacket.

Is there really something cooking between them? No, I am over thinking nothing is cooking between them.

"hello Sera," I said and she looked startled looking at me

Like she was in deep thoughts and her thinking session stopped because of me.

"hii" She replied with a small smile

"Girl you do not like turtle neck tops right then why today you wear them?" I asked

"I thought why not wear something different today. Is your brother not ready?" she asked and I heard footsteps that means he is here

"Let's go girls!" He said a bit happily as a smirk was playing on his lips

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now