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Can anyone explain this? Just why?

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Can anyone explain this? Just why?

Next chapter No Target I will update when I feel like

Caged by the Mason brothers is published on wattpad once again I updated a new chapter

Author's pov

"Anya we are getting late! Come down fast!" Alice shouted for the 10th time

Anya huffed in annoyance as she was not able to do anything correctly. It is like everything is messed up and on top of it her mother is not helping her either.

"Coming mum!" Anya shouted as she applied her lip balm

Giving herself a final glance she hummed in approval. She liked the way she was looking. She found herself changed in a good way.

She picked her bags and walked out of her room.

"Finally you are here, now let's go!" Alice said as Anya reached downstairs

"Antonio is coming?" Anya asked her mother

"Yeah he is!" Alice replied checking things before leaving

"So he got leave?" Anya reconfirmed

"Yes! Now go out, they are waiting." Alice said and Anya left without saying anything

"You are looking beautiful!" Anya heard Antonio saying when she went out

"what?" Anya asked bewildered because it is very rare that Antonio will compliment her that too without eating his head about it

"Nothing!" he said and cleared his throat awkwardly

"You called me beautiful and now you are saying it is nothing? Like seriously?" Anya asked giving him a look

"I was just kidding! Now sit inside the cab, it Is here." Antonio said and Anya rolled her eyes at his behaviour

"Your mood swings are worse than a pregnant woman trust me!" Anya said loud enough for him to hear but he chose to ignore it

Anya huffed and sat inside the cab and soon others joined her.

The journey is long, 1 day and 4 to 5 hours. It will take them to reach Kashmir.

Anya could not wait to reach because the sooner she reaches it will be better for everyone.

But one thing that was eating her is Tyler's words.

"Samantha, do not you mind that I get intimate with your husband?" Anya asked

"No because you are me and I am you so they are your husbands as well why should I mind?" Samantha said with a smile

"Why did Tyler say that Damien is his brother? I mean they are not brothers then?" Anya asked confused

"Tyler and Damien are one only but they prefer calling each other their brother because they both are individuals when they separate. Two bodies, two behaviours, two names. So they two are brothers" Samantha explained

THE MEPHISTOPHELES 🔞 BOOK 1 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now