So it Begins: Chapter 2 Arc 1

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??? pov

???:" Keep pushing he's almost out there we can se his little head! come on Betha"

I kept pushing and screaming while Arora kept encouraging me and giving me his strength. He's always been kind to me.

Betha: "AHHH"

At last I could feel the little bundle exit my body as a gave my final breath and started to relax. The child we have had for many months had finally cam out to breath into this world 

Arora:" Look Betha. He's beautiful"

(y/n) pov

The moment I opened my eyes I saw two figures towering above me. One was a beautiful woman around her mid 20's, she had beautiful, white, long hair and purple eyes. She was slim but not enough to considered too thin and not even a single problem on her silk skin. The other figure was a man, he had dark red hair and a massive scar above his eye where that eye was missing and  a eye patch was replaced. He looked strong, but not strong enough to look at him and call him a warrior, perhaps he was a great warrior?

The room I was definitely  helped answer a few questions I had. The room while only a light by a lantern atop the door, was very medieval inspired. Weapons laid bare across the wall that could easily be picked up and used with relative ease. All types were laid across things like an ax, a long sword  and even a mace hung across the right side of the wall, while the rest of the room was very plain with only pictures of the two figures (which I presumed were my parents) and a chest on the floor

However, on the wall behind my parents were two blades ,these large blades had wrappings around the blade part and a chain connecting the two by the end point on the hilt, with both having a katana inspired hilt and a gold and light blue handle connecting them two each other. While I call them swords, these things were more like cleavers as they both curved out to a point and the y covered a good bit of the wall. 

Along with the two big swords, there was a map across the wall, this map was the same as the one on the alter in the Middle, With words and land areas I couldn't translate at all. 

(y/n):"( I have to remember that this world is different from my own, and I'm small as of now, I need to learn this worlds languages and writing, only then can I start to learn about anything else about myself in this new form

Betha:"hdoaskhdoi shdohdas0hdoashdo(What should we name him dear?)"

Arora:" dhfjsxoaihfd9oiasxh (y/n) foiashdoihqsaoidhoaishd (I think (y/n) is great name, it was your grandpa's name after all!")

Unfortunately I couldn't understand a word they were saying. I then remembered that I was just a child from the reincarnation process. What do I do now? There was only one thing I could do at this moment.

(y/n) :"WAHHHH"

I cried. . .yeah kind of humiliating.

4 years later 

Despite the rough start, With time I found how interesting  this world really was. My mother was named Betha and my father was Arora. My mother was known in the village as the cure all for anything, she didn't really have affinity for magic but her brilliance allowed her to create potions and aliments for most known diseases, she was also the village beauty.(she is very attractive) My father was warrior  that was fighting against the noxian invasion many years ago, he lost his eye during and massive attack on the front lines and valiantly led his troops to the end( That is what he said anyway). He always told me stories about the weapons he had, except the big swords on the back, despite the constant pestering he told me that the blades he found were so sacred that only a certain type of affinity for magic may wield them. Maybe he was lying, maybe he wasn't I don't think I will ever know.

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