Sentinels Vs. The Ruined King Part 2: Chapter 182 Ruined Saga

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Narrator pov

Viego stood with the wine Flagon in his hand as he held his other sword in his hand. He stared you down as his smile quickly faded away into a melancholy straight face. His Mist around his body was moving in and out almost as if it was breathing, he quickly pocketed the flagon as he reached into the Mist.

Viego: This was fun, but I have more important matters to attend to.


You quickly a small detonating bomb at the surrounding Mist as it spread out all over ,and was now covering the area around the top level of the library. Viego looked over as he was now staring you down as you leaped from the edge of the ledge and landed on the first floor.

Viego: You approach me?

Y/N: I can't beat the ever living shit out of you without getting closer.

Viego: Then come as close as you like.

Viego was walking towards you as the Mist around his blade almost pulsed like a heartbeat. Senna could feel the pull and push of, not only the mist, but also the wine flagon. She could hear her fleeting whispers within the metal container.

Isolde: Senna... Come...

Senna: She is there...

LeBlanc: My champion...

Lucian:( Does he even stand a chance against Viego?)

Lucian stared down Viego as the absolute terror of the Mist surrounded him, like something crawling down his spine and pulling at his back. Lucian stood above where Y/N was just staring down Viego... And smiling.

Gwen: The Ruined King... Captain Senna we have to...

Gwen watched even though Senna was trying to shake from the presence of Viego. She watched the blue glow of the flagon shift and shuddered to it being near him. Within his pocket the blue glow was faint and it reached out to her but the darkness around, like an aura surrounding Viego, was keeping her body still.

Senna:( I can't move! I fought him before, so what is this power he wields now? Was what we fought before only a fraction of him... How can Y/N stand against this? He has fought him before and won, but that was with the help of the Buhru people's champion and they only captured him, they could never kill him.)

You stepped closer as both you and Viego were in front of each other, however your much bigger stature made you have to look down a bit, just a bit. Viego's blade glowed a piercing green and black as he held it with his right hand.

Viego: You haven't changed one bit, boy.

Y/N: Neither did you, creep.

Shyvana:( Y/N-Sama, how do you stand up to such a force? How do you show no fear? What are you?)

Viego: You have something I want, and she... Lies within.

Y/N: Your wife, right?

Viego: I guess the secret is out, and yet it took this long for you to figure it out. These were her things, and I would love to have them back.

Y/N: It seems there is something much more than that. Why use all that Mist, just to find her lost trinkets.

Viego: They are not just trinkets! These are her precious things. This wine flagon was hers. We used a sip of red wine every night before bed. You don't know how much this means to me, and you never will.

Y/N: But in that little rampage, you seem to be corrupting people all around. That is where you messed up. You decided to attack all these people, people are dead because of your obsession, THEY WILL NEVER GET TO HAVE THAT BACK!

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