Morning, Listening To The Grand General: Chapter 140 Arc 6 Noxus Saga

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Narrator pov

To say that you woke up with intense amounts of pain from your crotch region, would be a massive understatement. Your eyes shot open as you held your hip area in pain as you winced in pain. This pain was equivalent to about getting your crotch kicked, maybe around 10 or so times. You sat up as best as you could as you looked down to see you were still bare naked.

Y/N: ( What the hell happened last night?)

That question only lasted a moment in your head as you quickly remembered the events of last night. You could blush as you could only remember the sheer amount of "Action '' that went down last night. You felt yourself get excited only to wince in pain from the sheer thoughts as got those thoughts out of your head.

Y/N:( To think they could do all that to me. Well, they are my girls after all, I shouldn't be surprised anymore at this point.)

That statement made you smile as you looked around the room to see that none of them were there. You got up as you stood up on the carpeted floor, it was a little hard because of the pain from your groin, but you sucked it up as you grabbed your clothes and quickly put them on, without your head band, and made your way out of the door.

Y/N:( Maybe they were hungry, god knows I am.)

Walking around the home, you noticed that there were more followers of the Black Rose out and about at this moment. You looked up to see that there was a clock on the wall that read " 2:45"

Y/N:( I must have slept like a brick, no wonder I am hungry. I haven't eaten in like... hours.)

Walking around the people you noticed that some of them were looking at you a little strangely. At first you did not really notice it, but it became readily apparent to you that they were. You noticed small blushes on some, and larger ones on others as you kind of just waved to them, which they in turn looked away.

Y/N:( What is up with them.... Oh, I get it. They are finally seeing me in all my flashiness and they are nervous about approaching me. Well who could blame them, I am the best person in this entire place... Well, I am higher up anyway.)

Follower: Umm...

You looked down to see a follower as she was looking a bit nervous as you smiled at her and you greeted her.

Y/N: Hello! What can I do for you!

Follower: I just wanted to know something...

Y/N:( I wonder...) Well just ask away!

Follower: Well some of my comrades were talking about noises they heard from Mistress LeBlanc screaming last night. They kept blushing and they wouldn't tell me what happened. You are close to her, do you know what happened?

Y/N:( FUCK! THEY HEARD IT ALL!) She was... Having... Her... Period.

Follower: Oh my! Do you think she is ok?!

Y/N:.....Yeah. Anyway I got to go, so... Have a good day!

You made your way away from the woman as you moved quickly towards the kitchen area as you opened the door as you slowly peaked your head through the door. You saw all of them chatting around the table as they were laughing and drinking what appeared to be tea. They didn't see you as you quietly entered the room.

Y/N:( If I'm quiet then I can sneak around them...)

You entered the room as quietly as you could as you pushed the door shut as it slammed with a loud noise as you looked back to the door as you heard someone walking away from the door.


Ahri: Y/N!

You saw running as Ahri came up to and jumped onto you as you caught and she snuggled into your neck.

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