It Is Time, The Approaching Mist: Chapter 71 Arc 4 Saga 2

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Narrator pov

Everyone was on the boat as they all headed towards Bilgewater as the night was still on and the moon was shining down. Everyone was sailing around Bilgewater as the brew was preparing to leave as the storm got closer to Bilgewater.

Miss Fortune: Everyone! Get the boats ready for anybody who is not ready for the fight!

Crew: Yes Captain!

The crew all headed for the boats of the lower part as everyone was preparing to fight off the storm. You looked back to see many people sitting on the docks of Bilgewater you hear their screams and their pleas for the Mist to go back. You felt determination run through you as you could see three other ships the size of the charming lady approach to the side. 

Y/N: HUh?

Miss Fortune: I asked some of the crew before to gather more ships. We have no idea what could happen, its only fair that we use the other ships to help us out.

Y/N: What about the people?

Miss Fortune: They are giving themselves up for Bilgewater. I couldn't ask for a better crew then these guys.

 Akali: Lets hope it doesn't come to them losing their lives.

Ahri walked up as you stretched as she gave a bottle of red liquid. It was very little amount as she looked at you.

Y/N: What is this?

Ahri: Its my blood. They say that a vastayans blood can used as a external source of adrenaline, and strength.

Y/N: That sounds useful!

Ahri: Its also a natural aphrodisiac for human males.

Y/N: Oh...

You hesitated but you swallowed it as you felt the warm blood go down your throat. Ahri was giving a mischievous smile as she hugged you close.

Ahri: Lets be careful out there ok? I don't want to lose you.

Y/N: We'll be fine. With the amulet and everyone else's strength, we should have no problems taking down the Ruined King.

Irelia: Your thinking is right.

Y/N: Irelia! I saw that water you used? I didn't know you knew the breathing technique.

Irelia: Truly, i didn't knw either. It was all a spur of the moment. However I can feel my Ohma's words in my mind. There is no way we don't win this!

Braum: That's the spirit!

Yasuo: We can make it through this. I believe in our strength.

Illaoi: Everyone! We are getting in range!

The mist got closer as sounds of echoes and screams could heard as the last remaining crew walked off the Charming Lady.

Miss Fortune: We've got one chance, and only one shit to stop this guy. If we don't stop the Ruined King here, Bilgewater will be destroyed.

Y/N: The odds are stacked against us. But isn't that what makes this exciting! 

Braum: Together, no matter the odds, we will win!

Illaoi: Look! My people! The Buhru stand against the Ruined King!

You looked back to see Buhru People using magic to remove some the black mist encroaching on Bilgewater docks. They looked back at you guys, you knew the hope and dreams they had and the trust they have in you.

Gangplank looked at the surrounding darkness on the Island as he watched the several ships you had going towards the storm.

Gangplank:  Go get him, Kid.

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