Settling The Rest, Sailing To Bilgewater: Chapter 39 Arc 4 Saga Finale

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(A/U) 5k reads and a saga finale y'all are some epic people. This chapter was a little short but there will be some fun chapter before Bilgewater happens so lets hope for Y/N's safety! Enjoy this chapter!

Y/N pov

Weeks passed as we all were recovering from the injuries of our previous fight. Luckily for us there was medicine from the past in the archives of the shadow order's base. So it took a lot less time to recover then last time so I just trained my body. It was simple exercises and training but it was effective for the most part. My body just needs to be more trained for more breath capacity. 

Day after day the people that came far to celebrate the victory left to their daily lives. Things weren't the same after though, the training program from months ago has now been named, The "Elite Divisions Training".  Everyone who trains there, does so for a chance to be apart of the new guard system called the Elite division. They protect the Placidium and have missions to other regions of Ionia while Irelia is gone. Karma personally set up the program and everyone seems happy about it.

Life with my new girlfriends was also a very new experience for me. If someone told me that I would have my bed crowded with three beautiful girls, then I would probably no believe them. It was nice having company but Akali needs to stop kicking me in her sleep, it kind of hurts after the 20th time. I come to notice a lot of things about them over the time.

Irelia after our talk was very angsty. She was training pretty much most of the days after the talk but more so then normal. Karma did reprimand her a few times because how reckless she was being with her body, luckily that did stop the more intense things she was doing. Other then that she would mostly do her thing in the training and go to bed a little bit later then I did.

Ahri was researching more of Bilgewater with Karma. Through her knowledge we learned of Bilgewater, the country of bastards( as Yasuo called it). It was a country full of thieves pirates and people trying to make their way to better places. It has low magic but its tech is a little more advanced then that of Ionia. Ahri loved telling me about the place, I think human life truly fascinates her. It was weird for her to be so interested in something but I liked that side of hers.

Akali just followed me around. It was weird, the first few days she would trail behind me and watch me, I think she was interested in what I did everyday. When I found her watching me She got scared and came out of hiding. She then followed me side by side everyday, We ate, talked and slept together. I told her about the kicking and she just ignored me like I never said anything. Maybe she's self conscious?

The day had come when Shen, Zed Yone and Kennen all left. I was the last one to say goodbye to them as we sat at the bottom mountain of the Placidium. Zed was in a wheelchair held up by Yone.

Y/N: I wish you guys could have stayed longer, it was nice to be with each other for so long.

Shen: I wish we could as well, but we have no place here anymore. Not to mention I want to make sure that the Kinkou monastery has been kept in good condition while we were gone. Not to mention Yone and Zed's presence was a problem from the start it was bound to happen.

Kennen: Everybody here treated with us such kindness, I am glad I was able to stay for as long as I did. I will miss the food though, the kinkou have nothing on the chef's here.

Y/N: You got that right.

Yone: I hope that my presence here didn't hinder anyone. I just needed to make sure I was rested up before I continue to fight back the demons.

Y/N: Will you just travel Ionia then Yone?

Yone: First I must get back my Azakana blade back at the monastery before that can be done. Then after that I will go where I can feel the most emotions that would cause them to show up, so yes I guess a lot of travelling is ahead for me.

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