Soup break, The Darkness within: Chapter 47 Saga 2 Arc 1

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The fire blazed on as a huge pot full of a heart meat and what looked to be a potato soup was boiling over the fire. Multiple bowls were already set up as everyone sat around eating the soup as Braum was stilling stirring the large pot.

Braum: This reminds of my times in the Freljord, All the children sitting around the fire, eating and laughing. Good times.

Irelia: I never had something so hearty before. It is certainly tasty though.

Yasuo: could use some booze to wash it down, oh well can't complain all the time.

Illaoi: We should hurry before something happens down in the catacombs.

Akali: That reminds me, what the hell are you two doing here anywhere? I already assumed that Illaoi was on a mission or something bout about you Braum.

Braum: There was a sickness going around my village, all the kids were getting sick and they are not going to make it long. The elder told Braum that there was a mystical spring in the blessed isles that could cure any disease or aliment. So I took my magical shield and sailed over. However, when I got close the Shadow Isles over took me and I lost my shield and I landed at Bilgewater, where I met Illaoi.

Irelia: Those kids must be worried sick about you.

Braum: I have to get back to them, Braum will return to help them as soon as he finds a cure to whatever they have. I will get to back to them.

Yasuo: I thought you were just here to eat food not going to lie.

Illaoi slapped the back of his head as he spilled the soup on the floor.

Illaoi turned around and to your group as she got up and sat right next to you. Illaoi was a little shorter then you but her build was a little bigger then yours. She was bulky so she took a little more space then you did as she turned towards you and got real close.

Illaoi: What about you? You seem very interesting.

Y/N: We were here because of Ahri, she saw a vision of her family around the Bilgewater area. Until she left we were all planning on going with her, but it seem that we will have to find her first.

Illaoi: I'm sorry about that you three.

Illaoi bear hugs your as her body encompassed most of yours as her tight hug almost made you lose breath as you hugged her back. Akali and Irelia smiled at you both as Illaoi ended the hug. Her smile grew even larger as she wrapped her arm around you.

Illaoi: Your even more built then I thought you were HAHAHA. Maybe we should arm wrestle, I want to see how strong you truly are.

She had a hearty laugh as you could only smile at her antics. Everyone started laughing as we all finished everything and started to get ready.

Braum: Y/N, Braum hasn't seen you fight, those two big blades must be part of your fighting style correct?

Y/N: Yeah, they were a gift from my grandfather. He taught me how to fight.

Illaoi: I just hope that you can show how much power you have with those.

We all got ready as we walked down the stairs to the catacombs. 

It was dusty, dirty and dark. The mist was low to your feet as some of spirits were walking and floating around, all though they did not attack  they had creepy stares and other things as they all floated around the area. It was large room as traps and other sorted puzzles were sprawled across the room as you hear their mechanical components in your ear.

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