A Discussion with a Fox, and a Battle with a Ninja: Chapter 7 Arc 2

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Y/N pov

We had barely been walking for  more then a day when I noticed a lot about Ahri as we walked. I could tell just by how she talked that she was a very free spirited person. Sometimes there would be moments where all I could hear was her humming a song I didn't know, but it felt familiar. 

But she also had very somber moments, moments where I could tell her mind was just wandering while we stared at the gorgeous mountains, and the vast rivers that Ionia had.  Though I couldn't tell by looking at her, whenever small conversation would be brought up, sometimes her voice tone would change from a carefree spirt, to a melancholy somber tone when I brought Vastayans and other creatures.

Walking with Ahri also made realize how beautiful Ionia was. Earth had it's fair share of wonders, but nothing even comes close to the connection of magic and nature that Ionia had. Trees had colors that were based on magic amount in the area, plant life was so varied and different I could name at least a dozen different species and types of grass that I walked through.

We took a break near the clearing of a forest. As I sat down on a nearby log I looked at Ahri and noticed her observing the forest around us

Y/N: You have been staring at the scenery for a while, its quite pretty isn't it?

Ahri: Yes, it is very pretty, but also kind of sad at the same time. Do you ever think that plants and animals understand themselves in nature, or maybe they learn to understand their lives?

Y/N: Never really thought about nature like that but I see what you mean. I think, just like all creatures, that you have  to learn your place in this world, maybe nature helps in the process but I don't think that its all her.

Her face Kind of changed from a interesting stare to a somber smile

Ahri: What do you think your goal is here?

Y/N: I don't think I was born with a goal in mind, but after all my time with the order I realized that being someone who could save others and protect those who can't was what I truly wanted to do and be. What about you Ahri?

She looked back at me with a more genuine smile and giggled a bit.

Y/N: (Damn it, she is way too cute for her own good!)

Ahri: Well I'm hoping that I find the answer when get to the Placidium. Maybe then I will find out who I really am. My goodness I didn't tell you the reward for helping me did I?

Y/N: Ahri, I didn't do this for a reward, I do this to help the people that need help. If anything I should be thanking you for letting leave that place, its gets awfully boring just training in an old man's cabin all day, that's for sure.

Ahri: Your a real sweet guy, I don't know many people that would do this kind of thing without a real reward.

Ahri quickly put her hand on her chin in thought. As soon as it was there, it was gone as Ahri's face lit up with a mischievous smile. She got up from her seat and walked close, she then leaned in close and began to whisper in my ear

Ahri: Once were done, I promise you that the reward I'll give you will be extra sweet.

I felt my face get extremely red  as I almost  jumped out of my seat as she finished what she was saying.

Y/N: Ahri! I promise I don't need a any reward, I'm doing this to help you I promise!(Although the temptation is certainly there)

Ahri: No can do Mr. Y/N. One thing I will never stand for  is when a good job goes unrewarded.

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